My game sort of lags a little when I’m ripping clothes, is there a mod to fix that? Also for some reason some of my vehicles the tires and doors randomly disappeared. Anyone know something about that!

I’ve played allegedly +900 hours and I’ve only found one katana

So I tried doing that but idk the floor I placed doesn’t block the rain 🤷🏻‍♂️

What do you do when it’s raining?Question

My guy HATES the rain, so I usually stay indoors but I’ve started to get bored. Any suggestions on what to build or what to do? I’m located in Riverside, based up in one of the black fenced houses.

Weights at least 150lb, to be able to move it you need two people or a strongman competitor

The shape makes it really hard to one man carry

You can hold shift and use the mouse wheel to change between containers (inventory, backpack, fanny pack) and on the other side too like when you’re looting a bunch of zombies shift mouse wheel and you can scroll through their inventories in a jiffy

Are you playing without mods? There is a mod called antibodies that lets you fight off the infection.

Excelent range, power, and if the user is good they actually are durable

I play 2 hour days (an in game day takes 2 IRL hours). I fast forward certain actions and sleep and usually I can work an in game day in 30 min. So if you play normally 1 hour days you can for sure get things done in 20-30 min.

I play every morning like 30-60 min

Yeah like I already one shot anything and my spears last for like 10-20 kills each, I just carry like 6 on me and in good for any small run.

I’ll give this a go, but maybe I should level up my maintenance more before using long blades? Is it crowbar time?

I haven’t thought of the benefits of using one handed weapons tbh since spears are 2H

I’d just tell you that it’s more fun if you treat your character like you would treat yourself. Will increase survival plus add more fun, like maybe you like wearing hoodies and sweatpants so wear them and if you don’t want them to tear don’t let zombies get you lol I like the cooking aspect of the game, so I like making egg omelets for breakfast and will venture out for eggs and bacon if needed

Find a generator. You can survive without electricity though if you find an antique oven or just cook using a bbq or a fireplace. Stock up on more food, loot all of the neighbors houses. And weapons. You’ll need both. And some clothes for when it gets colder or your clothes get torn from fighting zombies.

My guess would be maybe you left a tv on or something, and zombies migrate so maybe they were walking nearby, heard the TV and barged in

Boxers with patterns on them