I am very biased towards Diamondback. I have a 2022 Sync’r. When I was choosing between Diamondback and Trek in 2022, the Diamondback had better parts at the same price point. Not to mention the bike is 12 years newer. Don’t be fooled by the full suspension aspect of the Trek, the technology is older and probably hasn’t been serviced as often as it should be which could lead to more costly repairs.

I would recommend the Diamondback Line.

No you’re born to a team and must stay rooting for them until you die. That’s why the White Sox still have fans. /s

I know 😭 I learned this 2 days after I finally beat him

Vah Ruta, Vah Medoh, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris

Vah Naboris absolutely kicked my ass so many times.

Edit: water, air, fire, lightning

After market Thule bike rack. I use the Sidearm model, and I’ve loved them. Super sturdy as long as they’re tight!

At least you don’t put it in the fridge

I also went through very similar experiences with my ex who had BPD and bipolar 2, along with PTSD and depression.

I promise that it will get easier with time and it is absolutely the right move to leave. The vast majority of the world does not treat each other the way she’s been treating you. You are trauma bonded to her and it will get better with time.

If it is at all possible to stop living with her I would greatly encourage that. Living with an ex is horrible by itself not to mention one that abuses you. She will make it impossible to move on and heal while you are there.

My ex also took all of the mutual friends that we had by telling them I did all of things she did. Any friends who believe her are not worth your time or energy.

It will get easier my friend. You will recover. One day at a time. I believe in you. Keep moving forward.

What’s really funny is that the original post says nothing about Trump but people still automatically associate this way of speaking with him.

Yep, the teeth have been sharpened by the chain which means that the chain is more likely to slip off.

Not great my friend. New chain ring time.

I would recommend watch the video Seth made on his YouTube channel Berm Peak about the Ozark Trail bikes. It’s really honest and helpful.

Get the dropper, it’ll change your riding style. When you feel very confident, get the FS.

U-locks are a better option than a chain in my opinion and experience. Even though a U-lock could be breached by a battery powered angle grinder, it’s stronger than a chain that could be broken or cut using bolt cutters.

Having a crush on someone else when you’re in a committed relationship is totally and perfectly normal. You did the right thing originally by distancing yourself and trying to make the feels go away. However now you’re pursuing a crush outside of your relationship which would cross a line for me.

You should probably be honest with your husband, he deserves the truth. You’re also risking your friendship with your coworker. The fact that you aren’t able to tell anyone about this is an indication that something is wrong here.

Are you being treated for borderline? My ex had borderline and this sounds like a situation that I might’ve ended up in for not realizing how catastrophic some things can be that I thought were no big deal. Since you asked him if you had gained weight I would guess he would assume you wanted him to be truthful since you trust him.

This comment could’ve been helpful bro but you put in “women do this a lot…” and then everyone stopped listening to you.

This comment could’ve been helpful bro but you put in “women do this a lot…” and then everyone stopped listening to you.

Any time I feel like I’m getting sick I take a break, one day or a few days depending on severity. You don’t want to push your lungs and your body when you’re fighting a cold. You’re more likely to get sick and not to mention it will be more difficult to get back to where you are in your training from being sick than taking a rest day.

If his sweat smells so bad, and this is a recent problem I don’t think that a shower is necessarily the answer. Sometimes deodorant brands stop working for some people, maybe he needs better body wash. This could also be a medical problem. You should sit down and have a non judgmental, kind conversation where you ask genuine questions.