I worked for a pediatrician and I met a family with the kids names being something like Kinsley, Maverick, Waylon… and then Greg.

I have a friend named Melina! Everyone compliments her on the name. She’s a very cute and classy woman so that’s what I think of when I hear it

I lived in the worst place you could think of in the US. It was in the middle of the desert, hours away from civilization, 120 degree summers, constant bodies found, every bug and animal is out to kill you, etc.

I enjoyed my time because of my attitude. It was a military base so I made some of the best friends I’ve ever had. The people who were negative and weren’t mentally strong enough to get out of their own head had a rough time. Your situation is temporary and life is short, just enjoy it while you can. If people in my situation can make the best of it, you can too.

I’ve never met a Mia, Ava, Oliver, or Liam. I worked for a pediatrician and I mainly saw this new generation having older or completely made up names.

Ask your doctor

I’m 5’7, 140 pounds and everyone says I’m skinny. I also have muscle and I saw you said you don’t so it’s hard to tell. It could just be where your body carries its weight

Nailed it!

It wasn’t until I moved out of state that I truly realized how odd the people are

Of course! I didn’t mean it in a bad way at all lol, I just want people to be safe there! It’s so sad how people are afraid to enjoy the park. It used to be such an amazing place and I have so many great childhood memories from it. When I was a kid we were able to actually explore the woods and we never felt unsafe walking on those isolated paths

He may be crazy but he’s partially right. Obviously not about the illegals, but everyone knows that the homeless creep out of the woods and prey on women who are running/ walking near sunset. There’s always articles about someone getting attacked and I’ve had 3 friends who were followed or attacked around sunset.

There was an article just last year about a dude who attacked a women, she got away, then he got stuck in the water and called the cops on himself 🤦🏼‍♀️

Riverfront park and Minto Brown are known for assaults. I know multiple women who have been attacked there. As a woman myself who enjoys walking I bring a gun and my big dogs. They didn’t care when my friends had pepper spray.

It’s weird to me that so many people move from Oregon to Texas

Guys.. I said Oregon TO Texas.

Nope! Completely silent. We were in a weird spot where there was dirt walls on the path so they just zoomed across and we couldn’t see them again. The forest opened up to where you could see probably a quarter mile out but no sight of them

Ignore the two constantlys ^ idk how to edit posts 😅

Haha I wish! I kept blinking and rubbing my eyes to try and comprehend what the heck I was seeing but they zoomed past in about 5 seconds. My husband, who also has 20/20 vision, couldn’t focus on them either. It was the weirdest thing ever. It was about 11 am and they were 10 feet above the ground with all different sizes.

We tried chasing them because it looked like they were only going 5 mph but no luck

It was smack in the middle of the day! They were floating probably 10 feet above the ground. We’ve had to chase off many black bears and it definitely wasn’t an animal


Nobody ever believes me when I tell them this.

My husband and I were backpacking in eastern Oregon. I saw 10 black orbs racing across the forest. It looked like black balloons floating. I genuinely thought it was people riding their bikes at first but my brain couldn’t comprehend it. I was NOT hallucinating, my husband saw it too. We were two hours away from civilization. The terrain was insane, no vehicle of any sort could possibly get out there. I literally had to rub my eyes because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I’ve looked it up and haven’t seen anything on it

Edit: they were about 10 feet off the ground and it was around 11 am

No you’re right, everyone I know who consumes a generally healthy diet has never had any issues with Taco Bell

My husband is military so we’ve been forced to live in the worst places imaginable. He was stationed in the middle of the desert. Hours from any civilization, no job market, nothing to do, expensive, 120 degree summers, etc.

Just remember your situation is only temporary! Making the best of a shitty situation is how everyone on that base got through it. I surprisingly made the best friends I’ve ever had and we’re all buying houses next to eachother in a different state. Life is funny

That’s how Oregon is overall. My husband and I didn’t have many friends growing up but the second we both moved out of state we made more friends than we’ve ever had. The culture is just weird lol

You should do a color analysis. All of your pictures show you wearing colors that wash you out

I think Wren could be cute as a middle name.

Wrenley is a crime