Hi, I (22 F) moved to Boston from Georgia about a year ago. I honestly didn’t put much thought into it and moved on a whim. I hate it here. It’s extremely expensive for such a mid tier city, not enough trees, and I don’t like my job. Even if I found a new job here I wouldn’t want to stay here.

I think my next plan is to try to save up money in the next 1-3 years and do a working holiday visa in New Zealand for a year (I know someone who did that in my field so I know exactly where I’d work). After that I want to move to DC which is where I interned in college.

I just want to know how have people coped with moving somewhere they ended up hating? I can’t leave right now because I want to have enough money saved up to travel throughout Asia during my holiday visa. I feel like I’m losing my mind and wasting away my days here. I’ve met people and made friends but I just don’t like it here. What’s funny is most of my friends are transplants that also hate it here and want to move lol.