I thought of him in Day "After Tomorrow" when I saw the prompt. OTOH, that movie also shows the consequence of him not wearing a helmet, so....

The Creole Creamery in New Orleans regularly has Strawberry & Jalapeno as well as Habanero & Peach on their menu and both are fantastic!

Very sad to hear. I used to live across the street from Store #2 in Northern Virginia. It was pricey even then, but it was fantastic food.

Pyrex - their borosilicate glassware, both for lab work and for home cooks, was pricey but great quality. Now they're just slapping the label on whatever plasticware they can find. The handle of my quart measuring pitcher snapped straight off the other day, while my glass one that's about a decade older, is doing just fine thenkyouveddymuch.

I can't blame you - I was delicious.

The only one that hits at primal level for me is the tent scene from"The Blair Witch Project" where they hear noises outside. I've been on way to many camping trips where I woke up in the night with something creeping around outside for this not to hit me where I live.

"As you wish, Lord Glarg'nax and all hail the All-Seeing Eye. The cattle mutilations will continue as planned, with the lizard people taking over the chromatin harvesting from the Vienna Gnomes after the next eclipse...Oh shit, who left the mic on!!"

Oh, I believe it. The robots will never be able to out-crazy us humans.

I first ran across Time Cube well before the ChatGPT days, but I'm still not convinced it isn't the firehouse spewing of a badly seeded AI.

The shotgun approach works well for most things, why not graphic design?

Yeah, but then you have to wait until they transfer your files to Inhuman Resources. Turns out the reincarnationists are right and I had to spend 4 weeks as a very tense lobster in a sea food restaurant display tank.

That last sentence hits hard. Our two discovered fresh mango, pineapple, and raspberries at about the same time. I'm happy they're eating healthily, but damn.....

"I demand affection, pets, snuggles, snackies, catnip, and a warm spot in the sun to take a nap in!!"

"Phil, how did your cat get my number again?"

I demand a hostage negotiation team to take hostage and then another hostage negotiation team to negotiate to swap places with the first hostage negotiation team!!!

*Looking over fourth shoulder* "Uhhhhhh...Xargl'ax? I got one, but what do I do now?"

*From other room on the saucer* "Give me a moment, Fleenbl'org. I'm getting the one your podmate just caught of their hook."

*Repeatedly hitting my direct supervisor with a folding chair to get out of a bad quarterly review* "Wait! What's this?! HR Off the top turnbuckle with a Reverse Hostile Workplace!?!"

"How did they even figure out how fund a Kickstarter with gold-pressed latinum?"

Free eye-contact with our staff members

Free relaxing and sustained relief from the existential hellhole your life as a traveling salesperson has become (10 minutes maximum/stay)

My geology department hosted a viewing party, with lots of popcorn and candy thrown at the screen at various points.

Being able to take care of my kids, including watching, feeding, and cleaning up after them is the expectation, not the exception. A cousin's dirtbag husband was bragging about not knowing how to change diapers and that it was my cousin's responsibility, which he thought was hilarious. Way to announce that you aspire to being a deadbeat, dude.

Quick! Someone give me $50! This guy is my cousin and I still owe him for pipeweed I bought from him back the 2nd Age.

I dunno man, Don Henley's solo stuff was pretty good and I hear he hangs out with Tom Bombadil quite a bit, so maybe we can just get him?