No I don’t say it even alone. You can replace it with bitches or just skip saying anything when its said. I wouldn’t continue to do that even alone. Not a good habit to get into

My black cat had the same thing and I’ve been told by two different vets that it’s basically a reaction to mosquito bites. For my cat they give her a type of injection which helps make them go away. Also if you can limit your cat’s outside time if they are indoor/outdoor. I would take you kitty to the vet asap. These dots can get worse and if you see bleeding of any kind you don’t want to let that go on for too long. The vet may also recommend hydrocortisone to rub on the nose as well. Hope this helps!

It’s because Megan is a strong force both in her music and personality and people don’t like when women are like that- let alone women of color. She doesn’t let people walk on her and stays true to herself and many insecure people feel threatened by that kind of energy. The more authentic you are it seems the more people hate you. I saw Megan’s show a few days ago and it was amazing. The talent, the breath support, the energy!!! Omg it was so fun and you could tell how much she cares about her fans. Her talent is undeniable and I’m rooting for her and hope she can ignore the nasty comments and actions of crazy people on X or other platforms.

YTA You don’t have to have kids to see bad behavior due to bad parenting styles. The truth is being a parent is a serious job and if you sign up for it then you’re not immune from criticism just because you chose a hard job. Do we give these passes to surgeons, firefighters, etc. to be lazy like this? No and for good reason. Having that many kids under that age is a choice and if you can’t handle it and are sitting them constantly in front of screens (you are downplaying it and you know they do it too much of you wouldn’t be so defensive) bribing them with candy and then wondering why they have bratty behavior I don’t know what to tell you. People without children are not dumb and if he’s going to school for child development and psychology I would say that he might have a bit of knowledge/perspective that maybe you don’t and maybe if you listened instead of putting your feelings above common sense you would realize your brother is in the right. You sound arrogant and like the only way to get through to you is to be blunt. I’m sick of people pretending like childless people know nothing when more than half the time you guys try to dump childcare on us. I’ve been the free babysitter without being asked many times as well as unpaid and then treated like I’m nothing and stupid because I don’t have kids. Then why the hell do I keep being expected to watch them? Oh that’s right because I’m good with them and they enjoy being around me because I actually care about their interests and playing/interacting with them. Y’all love the benefits of others watching your kids but then get butt hurt when they thrive in our care. You owe your brother that money and you also would do well to learn the meaning of gratitude. No one is responsible for raising your kids to be well adjusted other than you and it certainly sounds like you could be doing better. If you can’t handle the heat then maybe stop reproducing.

ESH except the cats. I’m sorry but I’m going to be blunt: If you allow him to hit your senior cat (this is most likely why there are behavior problems because your husband is stressing and scaring your cat) then how the hell do you think he’ll react around a baby? Babies make messes, cry, and are generally high maintenance. What happens when the baby is crying too much one night is he gonna strike the baby too? Have you even considered this? Do you think this person is really going to be kind to your cat, your baby, or yourself in the long run? These are giant red flags and it’s extremely problematic of you to allow that behavior in any way. The solution is not to rehome your cat- the solution is to rehome your despicable husband. He’s not a man- he’s an abuser and I promise you he will only get worse through time. Get whatever support you need if you’re afraid of his reaction and make sure he’s gone from your home. It sucks but you need to wake up. I had a friend in an abusive situation who tried to make it work and want to know how it ended? He refused to care for his child, choked my friend out, and threatened to skin her dogs alive and kill everyone she cared about. People who abuse animals have a darkness inside of them that only they can change. And abusing animals is generally a precursor. Get him out of your life. Your cat nor your child deserve this trash.

Long rant from a longtime fan sorry: This type of thing right here is exactly why it’s so hard for me to truly get into this era. The media circus and the infantilization around Taylor brings out a very ugly side of our current pop culture climate. I have listened to this album 3 - almost 4 times all the way through so far and I’ve actually found (sadly) that I like it less the more I listen. I went in having an open mind as overall Taylor’s albums have never really missed for me personally. I’ve adored her and her songwriting since I was 12 and I’m 25 now but I can’t pretend this album is a misunderstood masterpiece because it truly isn’t.

If another artist released this I highly doubt people would act in this frenzied way to defend it. I don’t think it would really be on anyone’s radar if it was by someone else. I think the truth is is without the Matty/Joe/Travis speculation/lore the majority of this album isn’t full of much substance or interesting thought. It’s the same themes from her that we’ve been hearing over and over and tbh a lot of it comes off as immature at this point. Almost like she’s regressing emotionally. Which is not a good look imho. I felt there was more thematic substance on previous work as well as emotional growth so tbh I am surprised. Some of these songs actually come off narcissistic and I don’t even think much of it is satirical at all like some claim. I can appreciate Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me? if I pretend it’s not about her but that song is so out of touch? Like girl you do sue people, you have made some bad choices, and you’re immensely privileged /powerful -just own it??? She’s not saying anything poetic or prolific in a lot of these songs- she’s whining. Whining at the fans, whining at her exes, whining to the world. I think some fans don’t want to acknowledge this because if you peel it back and really look at it the album doesn’t really show much growth as an artist or a human. Which if you’re going to be at the top spot of a cutthroat industry and you’re going to be rewarded the best numbers and all the accolades than yeah you need to be pushing the envelope sonically, lyrically, and culturally and not regressing to this immaturity. Really if we took away the hype from the eras tour over the last year or so I don’t think it would pull these numbers. Like if the eras tour never happened TTPD would not be looked at with this magical she can do no wrong haze that it has rn. (A Lavender Haze if you will 😂) The numbers are because it’s Taylor Swift and people want to hear the tea now more than ever- not because it’s this legendary, honest, and barrier breaking album like people are saying.

This weird idea that she doesn’t have to do better would be fine if she was an underground musician who was purely making music for herself and not profit but that’s not who she is. She’s a billionaire. You don’t become a billionaire through goodwill. She is making astronomical numbers off of giving the bare minimum to her music and relying on tea that will be stale in a few months so how can this album truly age well? So many specific Easter eggs and so overtly obvious too. She has more resources than most people in the world to go crazy and be so creative and instead she relies on tea that’s becoming cold quickly. I would have rather she waited a couple years before her next brand new project. Quality over quantity. If she’s burned out and so heartbroken she’s doing it all with a broken heart then she needs to take care of herself and again she has all the resources in the world to do so. She’s a 34 year old business woman- not an infant. Stop adding tour dates, prioritize the music- that is how you maintain longevity.

I’ve actually never seen another artist get a multitude of articles saying they are above criticism. Taylor in my opinion could stand to grow and develop her sound a lot as an artist. It’s so reductive to pretend she is so perfect and superior and is an insult to other artists who’ve been grinding in the industry for just as long or longer than her. I don’t see Beyoncé even getting articles like that and she is arguably a legend in the industry at this point and is always reinventing. There’s so much more Taylor could be doing sonically and the fact that most of the songs on this album sound very similar and can be hard to distinguish sometimes just adds to my frustration. Music reviewers having so much bias just because they see the name Taylor Swift gives me the ick. She’s not a God, she is a pop star. Also at this point in her career the lyricism shouldn’t be regressing and I feel because she was trying so hard to sound poetic that she actually did the opposite of what she was probably going for for many of these tracks. There are going to be people who can see through this whether other people like it or not.

I wanted to love this album I really did but it’s very frustrating to see people act like you’re unintelligent, sexist, or insane for not just eating up every single thing she puts out. I actually appreciate the discourse this album has gotten because for awhile it seemed like there was a massive lack of critical thinking when it comes to her specifically and even as a fan that has been irritating to see. In my honest opinion this is not her best work and I think she needs to hear it from objective fans (not her cult followers), music critics, neutral parties, etc. if she wants to remain on top. I feel like she used to listen to criticism in the past but from 2022- now I don’t think she’s absorbing anything other than yes men comments like Jack calling her a God or whatever that hocus pocus quote was. I will continue to listen to her previous albums but not this one and that’s okay.

The entirety of her albums Lungs and Ceremonials are great places to start ♥️

I am genuinely confused on what the concept of this album is at this point 😭 I thought it was a college professor type deal but now it’s an investigation and there is detective work… is this supposed to be like Nancy Drew but make it poetic???

See this part right here is where I just didn’t care for Toby anymore. While there’s nothing wrong with self improvement, he just kind of turned into this selfish arrogant dude. It officially manifested after the San Francisco job but he started turning into this after Jack was born. It really came off like he resented Kate and Jack after Jack was born and especially after he lost the weight. Like he was now too good for his wife or child. Idk it rubbed me the wrong way. While Kate definitely had her flaws and bad behavior in the marriage too, this change in Toby was truly the catalyst for the end of Katoby. I get it’s realistic but I really hated that they made Toby like that towards his own son. You can see the CLEAR difference when their daughter is born in excitement levels vs when Jack is born. It just hurt to see and made him go from being one of my favorite characters to one of my least. He also said some pretty cruel things to Kate during this time and all of it just gave me the ick.

It’s because he writes directly from his heart with passion and true soul! I feel like the way he does this is unique. Many artists try to stick to a brand when they write but Hozier just writes exactly what he feels. Not every artist does that and he also writes about many complex topics that keep the music so intriguing.

This take is so unserious 🧐

NTA but you and your parents are a bit ignorant on this. Forcing someone into a diet will do the opposite affect. Like 9/10 it does the opposite. My parents tried to bribe me with money to lose weight and also used “guys will ask you out more” as tactics and also tried controlling my diet throughout my whole life but all of these things actually made the opposite affect happen. Never once was there actually focus on healthy eating or real exercise that was attainable. Because I knew I wasn’t accepted and that people thought differently of me because of my weight it made me feel defeated and worthless and that the only thing that mattered about me was my weight. For women especially that’s all we hear because the truth is people base your worth off of your size. Because I have disordered eating habits all it did was make me restrict my meals which made me more hungry and then I ended up with a binge eating issue- and more weight. If you guys really care then your parents should be investing in a nutritionist and also helping her find exercise activities she likes and are realistic for her to do on a regular basis. Not everyone is a gym rat so start thinking creatively. Forcing a diet with your parents making all the choices on what she can eat will only lead her to hide food from you guys and develop a worse relationship with food. So invest in a nutritionist and also have more tact when you speak with her on it. Also your sister didn’t get like that out of nowhere and your parents need to start accepting responsibility for letting it get this far.

YTA massively. She is dying and she’s a little girl! If there was any time to make an exception for one kid getting a little more attention this is the time! Her parents want to make it special for her and they are probably struggling internally in ways you don’t even seem to want to try to understand. OP you deserve coal for Christmas!

NTA and also OP please choose yourself. Your well being and mental health matter too. It’s okay to say no. It’s your life to live - don’t let her hold you back. You are not a bad person or daughter if you say no.

You don’t join the Mormon church unless you’re 100% about that life. The Mormon church has a lot of lifestyle rules that are pretty strict and can be considered extreme. If you did this you wouldn’t just be joining the church you’re joining a CULTURE. You made the right choice. Mormonism would not be something you could pretend about.

I loved her facial expressions during this scene! She nailed this 1000%

In my honest opinion You’re Losing Me needs to be a stripped down piano ballad + the heartbeat sound. It would hit much harder emotionally and would highlight the lyrics and vocals more. That’s one of my favorite songs off of Midnights but I don’t like anything but the heartbeat in the production part of it.

It was such a beautiful show. His performance, the vibes of everyone in the crowd. I loved seeing him here the other night 😭♥️

I just saw him and honestly me and the people around me would sing the words here and there but there were many moments when most everyone went quiet and I think it’s because we just want to hear his voice. It’s so beautiful live! Don’t feel bad for not knowing all of the lyrics, It’s soaking it all in that counts!

Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve sonically could’ve been in Folklore or Evermore and I think it would’ve fit right in. Especially on Evermore

He’s ugly for this behavior! I’m glad you’re free of him you deserve so much better ♥️