Supreme Court justices shall be appointed via election

Are you serious?

:lib: - Lib-Center

proper in that they don't do something regarded like eating only raw fruit.

:lib: - Lib-Center

lol 9 comments and all shadowbanned

aren't women more critical of men than men are of each other?

I heard hot to go on an e-girl's instagram, and i thought it sounded great. looked it up, and the rest of the song kind of sucks.

Your opinion involves assuming you know what others are thinking.

:lib: - Lib-Center

you realize everyone else considers these schizoposts, right?

:lib: - Lib-Center

A proper vegan diet is healthier than a typical omnivorous diet.

my gf has since cut her off

That's a good start. Not going to places where people take drugs would also help.

You should probably tell him. Aside from cheating, she could be spreading STIs to him.

After people get refreshed and relate, they'll get tired of it and watch something with hotter people.

Let me introduce you to JK Rowling and John Cleese.

The cringiest people here are the celebrities who think their opinion about anything outside their field is worth broadcasting to the world.