
I mean in the case of the Breton mage, Gyron Vardengroet, he literally got immortality because directly trying to become immortal

He returned to the Great Library at the Crystal Tower and researched the many flowers, herbs and plants that he had heard about and seen during his travels. In his cottage, he labored tirelessly over the spellbooks, vials and collection of flora from all over the lands. He tested the potions on himself. The years went by, but The Sage seemed not to age anymore. At some point he had found the right combination in his experiments, but could not determine which combination it had been as the change had been most subtle. He had secured a life without end. And the years continued to pass.



Reminds me of that random Breton mage who is immortal. He tried to find the way to become immortal, tried out a shitton of ways, then eventually gave up. A few years later he realized he stopped aging and that one of his plans worked, but he had no idea which one.

Lol, I like playing as Jester. It's fun to basically fuck around for a game. Plus trying to think of roles you can "out" yourself as without being obvious is fun

To each their own tho

:footman: Footman :footman:

Every server with more than 15 players has rdmers.

The worst part is how hard it is to kick them. Yesterday I and others tried kicking the same rdmer three times but it never worked. Dude was literally just running around the server rdming randomly. We explained everything in chat yet he never got kicked. It's disheartening

Huh, a sk was probably one of my first wins as a neutral. My last neutral win was pirate lol

Then I arrived :winged_hussar:

Yeah but the subreddit basically allows all Polish history memes

It could be crossposted into r/Polish_Memes instead which is owned by the same guy, but that sub is dead

Hermaeus Mora :d_herma:

Judging by the fact he omitted it, it's probably an integrated graphics card, so it's shit

After several failed games as Jinx, I was beginning to lose all hope. I had Random Coven, Killing Coven, and Jinx scrolls. That strat worked pretty well, but whenever I was Jinx I kept dying.

So today I had an awful coven game where n1 our conj dies and then d2 a sheriff accuses me, I was hung at d3. The next game I had the book as Jinx, but the person I targetted had defense and the person who visited my target was healed by a cleric. I was immediately outed and lynched.

I gave up all hope after that and just did quickplay, got put into a ranked practice match, and wasn't even coven. Midway through the match I get three popups for the three achievements I got.

Jinx is still my least favorite role, I hate it. Not because the role is bad, but it's unlucky. I think I'm jinxed.

A tengri nation owning a coptic province is a little far fetched. Syncrenizing with then is even more far fetched, as there's basically no reason to (unless the buffs are good, but I forgot what they are). While a good horde player will probably conquer the Caucuses and maybe Ethiopia, actually syncrizing with them is super rare.

Then this specific event requires you to own an uncored province for ~30 years, which is absurd. No one would do that unless they are specifically trying to get the event. Now maybe the event works on multiple provinces at once (so maybe if you have 10 uncored provinces it's 10x more likely to show up), but it'll still be a rare event that I can safety say less than 100 players have ever even witnessed.

Stupid strawman meme. The Catholic Church's stance is that using preferred pronouns is fine in order to not upset anyone, however Catholics are still supposed to recognize that their gender isn't actually changed.

I did the same thing but thankfully only leveled up a few times before I noticed my mistake

I got the achievement for having a 5 5 5 ruler because of this mechanic while I was playing Oirat.

Both my heir and the new ruler weren't 5 5 5 and I clicked past the popups too quickly to see what had happened, so to this day I still don't know how I got the achievement.

Hermaeus Mora :d_herma:

They came into existence on the Throat of the World, Skyrim is literally their birthplace. They left and went to Atmora, but then came back to reclaim their land.

If we go by "whoever liver here originally deserves the land", then they believe they deserve it. I'd imagine the reachmen probably have their own story that they were created in Skyrim. The other nedes (like the Men of 'Kreath) who used to inhabit skyrim but no longer exist probably had similar creation stories too.

:footman: Footman :footman:

Yeah it's a mild inconvenience every time when I unlocked a new skin for a weapon and have to manually set it 8 times (ie, greatsword for knights and vanguards in the 4 factions).

Looks waaaay to much like the Nazi SS skull.


Iirc Orsinium was raiding it's neighbors. Combine that with the fact they are basically universally considering ugly, normally are strong yet dumb, and the fact they normally worship a Daedra who considers himself the Prince of Outcasts/Pariahs means they are looked down upon.

:footman: Footman :footman:

I always tell them to press f10n I gotta make sure the noobs learn all the mechanics.

Gotten a few noobs, even a few friends lol