Heat doesn't correlate to UV exposure. You can get sunburned skiing.

OP, I'd like to address your concern about your attending the concert feeding the "you just have to live your life"narrative.

Remember that the people who say that phrase generally use it to justify returning to 2019 attitudes and practices. The subtext is "you have to live your life as though Covid doesn't exist".

That is not what you are doing. You are living as well as possible while acknowledging risk and protecting yourself as best you can. You're evaluating risk, making backup plans, testing and wearing equipment, and doing what you can to reduce harm to yourself and others.

Circumcision wouldn't affect someone's perineum; it's the area between genitals and anus (often called the "taint").

Not the South, but one summer I visited Philadelphia. I figured, I'm from the freaking desert, I could handle whatever Philly could dish out.

Reader, I was wrong. My friends took me to the zoo and I had sweat pooling in my shoes.

I can teach a five-hour dance class in July with swamp cooling, but Real Humidity drops me like a rock. No thank you.

(One of my Philly friends visited Tucson a few summers later, didn't realize how dehydrated they were getting, and ended up fainting at the Desert Museum.)

Please try not to think of it as "causing her distress". That is not what you are doing. You are making a decision to protect yourself and your partner. She had the option to wear masks and take additional precautions a few weeks before your trip, and didn't.

You don't speak for all men inre:restaurants.

I'm not saying the way you think is wrong. It's just not definitively Male. It's your preference.

Friend, I promise you, there are guys your age who understand Wingstop is not "fancy".

My rosacea is triggered by the increased heat and moisture inside my mask.

I spent a lot of time at Skate Country. I'd also bus to the library (got to make sure you caught the bus because they only showed up once every 40 minutes or so and the stop didn't have shade) and read all day. Splash around in Sabino Canyon. Make friends with people whose families had a pool. The mall. Movies. Anything with air conditioning.

An excuse it seems you made up. Can you provide a link to a source that shows that "abuse" was the reason?

I don't have answers, but I want to say:

Thank you.

You are doing the right thing.

You're not alone.

I can't speak to lived experience pre-mid-70's. See my links to advertisements that go back to late 60's, I think? I posted them a while ago, so I can't remember. And yes, ZO was available. There definitely was a cultural shift in the US once we figured out there was a hole in the ozone that was a problem and maybe just aging wasn't the only thing we should be concerned about inre: sun exposure.

I mean, you can keep telling yourself that this is a result of "people abusing the system" if that makes you feel better, but I suggest you read up on the "welfare queen" fallacy and think about other reasons why this might have happened.

If it is stress, then OP needs to find a person who can manage stress without turning into a misogynist asshole.

My partner, in our decades together, has never, never called me names, even under the deepest stress. They respect me at all times. OP's partner does not respect her, and he's making a case for his not respecting women in general.

So, sit down with them and explain that you are going to start masking consistently. You don't have to drop it like a bomb and just show up in a mask.

No one dies of embarrassment. People die or are disabled by Covid every day.

Not weird at all. People are allowed to change their minds about things, and the situation around Covid is always changing.

She's angry because OP was right, is my guess. She was wrong, everything she has believed is wrong. She might be scared, she might be grieving. Not everyone has the strength to reconsider their worldview when presented with new information; some people lash out and double down.

OP, I'm sorry you're not getting the tender care from your partner that you deserve. You're not wrong to protect yourself.

You are allowed to determine the amount of your involvement in your nibs' lives and aren't required to give a reason. Sure, the kids might want a Funcle, but if you aren't able to be that, there's no reason to force it. NTA.

That looks like a GSD wearing a tricolor Aussie suit. She's adorable.