I have tickets to a fairly large outdoor stadium concert this summer (United States). I have Long Covid and am starting to get really nervous about this decision. I bought the tickets over 6 months ago and didn't realize just how infectious covid would be this summer. I've never heard of so many people getting covid outside while masked.

My planned mitigations include n95 mask, covixyl, mouthwash, and if I can get the updated Novavax I'll do that. Any other suggestions? I've heard mixed reviews of the usefulness of portable air purifiers in such situations.

My other concern is that is it really compatible with my values to do this? I've seen a lot of people in the covid conscious community get criticized for attending crowded events despite being masked. This is one of my favorite bands and I've wanted to see them live since middle school. With long covid I don't know how many more opportunities I'll have before I kick the bucket. I do pandemic advocacy work and I'm nervous that people will lose respect for me. Someone I follow on instagram, whom I greatly respect and admire for his morals, recently posted about how he confronted someone in the CC community for going to a rave while masked. Because of how much I respect this person, it's making me question if this is acceptable behavior regardless of my precautions.

I know I'm kind of rambling but I'm looking for feedback on this. How bad of an idea is it? If I go, how can I maximize safety? Is it a selfish decision to go at all? Am I perpetuating the "I just really have to live my life" narrative that's made the world so dangerous?

Open to all discussion.