Wut ya gotta do, is ya gotta stick your 👍 right in its butthole. Oh shit! It’s really pissed now!

100% and the worst part is, she’s telling him EXACTLY what she wants! Most women will not sexually communicate that clearly. Dude, it’s not a guessing game. WTF. I’d turn off that camera and GO TOO TOWN.

You want me to be confident and sexually dominating!?! Whhaaaaaat!?!?! đŸ€Ș

He doesn’t. His net worth is well below a million from what I understand.

There are 10s of thousands of on-the-fence voters that are disgusted by both choices. You could put a cocker spaniel in there and win the thing. Tag line “at least I I’m not these guys!” Boom, landslide.

Seriously though, I’m not informed enough to make any real suggestion. As long as they put a somewhat moderate candidate in place, they’re all but guaranteed to win.

This has been a problem for a while. But the Presidential immunity decision has taken us into incredibly dangerous territory. Trump and his BS aside, calling this a “bad decision” is the understatement of the century.

He has. Now he needs to do the honorable thing, acknowledge that he had a good run, and step the fuck aside! If he doesn’t, we’re cooked in November.

That’s why he tears into Bryan. It’s jealousy of his connections and his career. Isa’prom B.

Brian should have said “it drives me NUTS, that you can’t even get nosebleed tickets B”

A big-brown closeted thiccc boy. That’s who.

Called should walk and go figure some stuff out. Leave Bapa to his shitty little podcast.

Terrible, just terrible, let me take a good looong look to make sure just how terrible it is. 😏

Remember how pissed everyone was about the “cut to black”, only to realize that it was brilliant as time went on?

Anakin was dreamy and he just had a way with words. Sand, ya know?

Not to say it WONT work, I think it just comes down to expedience. It going to be significantly more difficult to put out a chemical fire in that way. I should have phrased it differently. As a teenager I had 3rd degree burns on my right leg from a gasoline spill. I spent a month in the Shriners burn hospital in Cincinnati. When I was joking around with one of the nurses and said “stop drop and roll didn’t do shit!” He told me that’s an all too common experience and shared some similar distressing stories. Those that fared the best with chemical fires removed the article of clothing immediately, where as by the time I realized that flopping around on the ground like a fish wasn’t working and just took off my pants, the damage was done. Seconds matter with burns.

God damn right. I am appalled at this decision, Trump and his bullshit aside, this is really bad news for our country in a historical context.

How the fuck did they come to this decision? So incredibly disappointing and depressing. This will have ramifications far beyond our lifetimes.

Won’t work with chemical fires. My 3rd degree burns will attest to that. Remove the article of clothing as quickly as possible.

I like how sword guy immediately bent over so his ASSistant could give him a neck massage. There’s a LOT of sexual tension is this martial arts exhibition.