
"If I had a nickel for every asshole named Tenpenny, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice"

(Allistair Tenpenny, Fallout 3)

Cornelius the guide, he will show the players how to adapt and survive in the wasteland for the first sessions. He's very powerful but ultimately he'll sacrifice himself to get the party through a tense situation, you decide the details. Should the party ever attack him, he'll disappear abandoning the players to their doom.


Drizzt Do'Urden (Forgotten Realms)

At least in the first book

:Maestro: Maestro Main

I once saw a video on YouTube that showed a rework which gave him a drone he could use 3 times

:Maestro: Maestro Main

So you sharin' or not? Don't leave us hanging

I know; I meant the writers "refuse" to show the stand to its fullest potential by making the user itself a bit dumb

Imo we need more companions in Fallout games that aren't just humans

Fallout 3:

Desmond from Point Lookout Ashur/Wernher depending on who you sided with The samurai from Mothership Zeta Protector Casdin after completing Anchorage Sydney as a permanent companion

Fallout New Vegas:

Sunny Smiles Vulpes Inculta Fantastic The King Ulysses Dr. Mobius Other DLC companions but permanent

Joshua Graham

That'd be the Courier itself most likely