Selling tickets to London 22/5

Hi! Super last minute but a crisis came up and I currently can no longer go to the tMG on Wednesday! I'm happy to sell at a loss honestly I just need to wriggle out of it. DM for details!!

Hi I am so sorry to revive an older thread, but this is genuinely my bread and butter. It really just boils down to reading the translation that projects what you want to get out of it, whether that's a word-for-word, thought-for-thought, or feeling-for-feeling translation.

If you're interested in meter, then Lattimore does that wonderfully and renders the foreignness of the Greek, picking interesting soundalikes in English to get the oral feeling of the poem across. Fagles does a good feeling-for-feeling, and Fitzgerald a great thought-for-thought, but you lose the nuance of the Greek language in their attempts to modernise. Mitchell similarly decides not to include epithets, which sort of takes you out of the whole 'Greek as an oral tradition'.

Personally, Pope was great but I found the rhyming a bit tiring, but that could just be me. I liked Fagles the best and reread his the most, other than the Loeb.

Brideshead Revisited is a lovely book this time of year. The only other book that I feel captures the golden peasant-ness of the Levin sections of Karenina is Laurie Lee's Cider With Rosie. It lacks the philosophy of Tolstoy, but more than enough makes up for it with the life-affirmingness. Absolute delight.

Ionian islands + historical interest

hihi! I'm going to be spending a week in the Ionian island hopping with my boyfriend's family -- they're seasoned sailors, I'm not. They're planning to take things as they come and choose the next island the night before, which is very cool. I'd just like to know if there are any must-see things on the islands in terms of historical interest.

I studied Ancient Greek at university and would love to see any ancient sites that are on the islands (Antique to Byzantine would be my favourite, but anything is cool), and to know which ones are the must-sees so I can pitch an island the night before!

I'm also really into older churches, monasteries and archaeological museums. I think we're only spending one day on each island, though.

Thank you!

I'm Gen Z and definitely feel like I drink less than my parents, like I don't rlly have much interest in having a beer/wine after work but will 100% have a bottle or two of wine on the weekends, or vodka sodas. In terms of the people I see around me (London), everyone is doing coke and drinking fuckloads, but only on scheduled time. Less likely for a cheeky half on a Wednesday, but if you've planned ahead and told us what pub to be at on Saturday night we'll all be there with bells on. I've got a pub crawl scheduled to last five hours in the coming week.

small plates restaurants & wine with goofy corporate memphis cartoons i am so tired

classics (specialising in Ancient Greek for extra uselessness) & now a strategist in a marketing agency. might go back for my masters tho just because it's fun asf

can’t feel the strings

hihi! it’s been about a week since insertion (23/2), not had my period yet. i have had a bit of a fiddle inside to try and find my strings, but i couldn’t really anything? there was a little nub way to the back and to the right but it didn’t feel “fishing wire” so i am unsure. my gynae did say that my cervix was very high and pointed downward though. i know i’m to wait til my first period but god, the insertion was pain beyond suffering, i don’t want to go through that again.

worth the risk?

hi hi! so, i am naturally a very scared person, with terrible anxiety. i stopped taking birth control and relied more on condoms due to this anxiety, as i am so so aware and constantly cognisant of everything you need to do to be safe with a condom. it has been my only form of contraception for five baby-less years now.

however, recently, there have been a spate of reasons i’ve needed the morning after pill. condoms breaking, or him removing the condom incorrectly and spilling i’ve taken the morning after each time, totalling to twice since november.

i am getting sick (and worried for my health) of taking the morning after pill again, but recently my boyfriend rubbed up against me before sex when we were both naked, and i could feel the head of him against my vulva. i pushed him away immediately, but we’d had sex a few hours beforehand and i’m aware of precum being a problem.

i ovulate in a day. is it worth getting the morning after pill? i’m really sick of going through the hormones and am getting worried about this long term, but for personal reasons dislike prolonged hormonal birth control — mental health wise. my boyfriend says it should be fine, but is happy to split the cost of plan b should it ease my mind.

not even tea but Stewart Lee whizzed past me on a bike at a crossing in London last week and I was overjoyed