hi hi! so, i am naturally a very scared person, with terrible anxiety. i stopped taking birth control and relied more on condoms due to this anxiety, as i am so so aware and constantly cognisant of everything you need to do to be safe with a condom. it has been my only form of contraception for five baby-less years now.

however, recently, there have been a spate of reasons i’ve needed the morning after pill. condoms breaking, or him removing the condom incorrectly and spilling i’ve taken the morning after each time, totalling to twice since november.

i am getting sick (and worried for my health) of taking the morning after pill again, but recently my boyfriend rubbed up against me before sex when we were both naked, and i could feel the head of him against my vulva. i pushed him away immediately, but we’d had sex a few hours beforehand and i’m aware of precum being a problem.

i ovulate in a day. is it worth getting the morning after pill? i’m really sick of going through the hormones and am getting worried about this long term, but for personal reasons dislike prolonged hormonal birth control — mental health wise. my boyfriend says it should be fine, but is happy to split the cost of plan b should it ease my mind.