i know the answer is probably to just finish war and peace, and i loved how expansive it is . . . but i feel i should save it for winter. should i start middlemarch? i don't think i can commit to proust. i'm also looking at palace walk. i will say, too, i think i should have loved east of eden but it didn't impact me nearly as much -- i think i prefer the very explicit and detailed thoughts and digressions of tolstoy.

i love the almost excessive sentiment of levin just as i love dostoevskys capricious characters crying out and flying across the room. i'm feeling, as i do every spring, an insatiable and vibrant love of life, almost relishing in the fact i can't avoid sounding banal describing feeling like i'm rediscovering what i've always known because the beauty is self evident. i'm also open to film: as i was moving ahead occasionally i saw brief glimpses of beauty captures the feeling very well. thank you