This is getting exhausting, seeing the same post literally everyday....

I really would have liked to see Vivek debate biden one on one....that would be a slaughterhouse

I too remember those dark days, thank God we got our savior in last time. We must do it again or else democracy will die!!!!

For real! I'm starting to think this is some psy op shit. This is constantly appearing, every fucking day the same shit. Democracy will die! This is how democracy dies! This will be the end of us all! Reddit is such a dam bubble

Maybe like the black Templar with the axe. The chunky dude

No, China does no wrong. They are always good and trusting honest nation....

I saw a YouTube review and it looks like he's a big dude compared to the average marine model.

Play the game and enjoy it for what it is....

More so against illegal immigration....why does everyone get this confused.....

I understand it's all new to you and you want to grind it but take it easy, alot of folks starting to complain the games boring or there's nothing to do with it after they have 600+ hours on it and then wonder why they are bored.

Yeah I feel like people play game wayyy to often and burn out on them very quickly. Like that post said 3.5 hours every day since release....yeah I'd probably get tired of it as well. The devs jobs are to create and put out an entertaining game, they aren't there to keep feeding your obsession or eventual burn out with new content every of week.

Also consider this, this game was never expected to get the sales it got. The amount of players that are on nowadays is probably what they expected. Not the half a mil 3 weeks after launch. Also this game specifically blew up because of tik tok and gaming influencers sending it viral. Let's assume a decent chunk of those players who bought in that wave never intended on playing the game in the first place but simply got it b3cause it was the blazing hot thing at the moment. They tried it or attempted to but ran into game breaking server issues and just never picked it up again. Now the player base that is there consistently are the ones who really intended on playing.

It's one of those games that in my opinion takes an older approach. It does have warbonds with new content and a n ever changing story but it doesn't bombard the game with all the CoD/apex/fortnite collabs and garbage they get you to buy. I saw another thread saying this game needs more content and more of this and that. I say to that is the game and it's entertainment not enough? What happened to just playing a game for fun and entertainment and not thr constant need for new new new

Pretty sure perus leftist leader attempted to dissolve their constitution and make their congress null and void. He called on the military to back him but they where just like what? he got his ass booted quick.

This is an awesome setup, I’m curious are there any plans to make a Horus heresy 2.0 template or data card setup?

Best bet will be to utilize battlescribe or new they are both good builders, they will put all the weapon stats and their abilities in one page with whatever unit you select them for.

Check etsy for breacher bits specifically for the new mk vi and mkiii models. Came across them the other day, GW will eventually release a kit for them but will probably be more expensive