He has been in multiple interviews where he's explained it multiple times. He was very young when he made this YouTube account, and he just never felt like changing it because it's been that user name since he was a kid. It clearly doesn't affect his brand or his SEO or anything related to his job, so there's really no reason to change it.

HDR doesn't work on gaming. OPEN

I have a Samsung Odyssey G7 monitor but whenever I enable HDR in games all of the colors look flat. I have it enabled in windows settings and it looks great when I'm watching any video, but not for games.

Whenever I launch a game, it looks normal, but when I enable HDR in the game settings, suddenly all of the colors look washed out or flat and the whole screen feels grey. This has happened across multiple game titles. When I play it in SDR mode it looks fine, but in HDR mode all the colors look grey.

I've tried turning HDR off on my windows settings then turning it on in the game and it looks the same.

I am using windows 10 and a GForce RTX 2080 Super if that info is relevant. Any advice is really appreciated.

Cyberpunk is a must play imo, launch problems be damned. It's such a good game.

HDR doesn't work on gamesTech Support

I have a Samsung Odyssey G7 monitor but whenever I enable HDR in games all of the colors look flat. I have it enabled in windows settings and it looks great when I'm watching any video, but not for games.

Whenever I launch a game, it looks normal, but when I enable HDR in the game settings, suddenly all of the colors look washed out or flat and the whole screen feels grey. This has happened across multiple game titles. When I play it in SDR mode it looks fine, but in HDR mode all the colors look grey.

I've tried turning HDR off on my windows settings then turning it on in the game and it looks the same.

Any advice is really appreciated.

Yeah I've seen that mentality a lot even in wrestling communities. People think wrestling is full of super conservative white cis-men but in my experience wrestling is one of the most open and welcoming communities.

I hate this kid with a burning fucking passion. The only reason he's famous is because he snuck on stage and ruined Elden Ring's GOTY acceptance, and has since only used his platform to spread these batshit insane alpha-male misogynistic views. He is a leech on this earth. He has only ever ruined things for everyone around him while he rakes in the profits.

"I am paid by CollegeHumor and I just want to come out as someone who is paid by the company and say that is innocent. This is the expressed opinion of, formerly College Humor, now Dropout, the show Game Changer, it's in company emails I will happily pull up on my phone."

This may be a little too long but it's too iconic not to mention.

I worked at a mall that would frequently have homeless people stay all day at to stay out of the cold in the winters.

One guy went into a Lids store and when he was caught stealing hats, he pulled down his pants to reveal a towel diaper he had made and he pulled it off, letting his poop dump out onto the floor and tried to use that distraction to make his escape.

Another homeless lady was caught trying to steal Naruto slides from Hot Topic by shoving them up her vagina. I think Hot Topic just gave her the shoes after that.

I feel like seasons 2-4 are where it really hit its stride before becoming repetitive

There's a lot of reasons and while I don't think anyone could pinpoint exactly why it blew up, here's some of my thoughts.

1.- It's a dumb sex joke which the Internet always loves.

2.- It's a goofy and repeatable onomatopoeia that just sounds funny to hear or read.

3.- I think because it was a street interview it came across as more genuine and on the spot. A female stand up comedian could've said that on stage and uploaded it to tiktok and it would have been funny, but it wouldn't have blown up the same.

4.- Like all memes, they get elevated by the memes other people make about it. The bumper stickers, the different edits, cutting it into other videos as a punchline, etc. Sure it was funny and popular on its own, but the memes that spawned from it also went mega-viral which only led more people to watch the original making it even more popular.

This is Graeme Barrett. He's a sketch comic on TikTok and IG and YT Shorts.

His most popular sketches are this one and his series of "Divorced Dads Trading Cards"

I will turn into John Wick if they kill off Lamar.

He should not be allowed inside schools.

I think it would be an interesting Batman story to see. Batman sacrificing more and more of his humanity by upgrading and adding cyberware to fight crime but fighting his own cyberpsychosis at the same time.

His only weakness is actually saying Um, Actually.

I do like the fact that following nature is how you discover a lot of the exploration stuff or collectables, but I swear to god half my playtime in this game was me running after birds

Sgt. Samuel Saint: An over-achieving cop with a perfect record who puts way too much of himself into his job, to the point where he doesn't have family or friends. He's stumbled upon some corruption in the force that goes deep and is trying to take on the whole department by himself, but if anyone could do it it's him.

I wouldn't be surprised if they had some sort of ride share app you could use to make money in free roam early on. Plus, it could lead to some really funny moments if you wrecked while driving an NPC around.

Fuck. Yes. I can't wait to finally be able to get a copy.

I would like the choice but I don't think I'd really notice if it wasn't there.

The universe simply doesn't care nor is affected by it.

You say this like the concept of "meaning" is an objective metric that can be measured. Whether or not something is meaningful is up to you. Is me choosing to help my friends move apartments going to stop some sun exploding from a billion light years away? No. But is it going to mean something to them that I was willing to help? Yes. That has meaning and value and directly impacts those around you (which I'll remind you are still a part of this universe). Just because the effect of your choices doesn't go out and fix the universe, doesn't make them any less meaningful or impactful.