In honesty, I think it's a true testament to just how good this game is that I find tons of very small things to complain about.

I'll go first with three things.

  1. The trailing NPCs system (maybe wrong term?) It feels like you aren't able to actually follow the NPCs because they stay only like 3 feet ahead of you and only walk or ride at your speed.

  2. Only one animation for opening and exiting doors. Throws off immersion sometimes depending on how I was approaching the door.

  3. I wish there were more way to interact with the environment. There are so many different uniquely beautiful areas in the game and no way to do anything other than stand around in them. There is one place which I feel like I will never find again but, there's a trail that leads you up a mountain and it ends in a cutout of the mountain with a beautiful view of the island and there's a bench. AM I CRAZY THAT I JUST WISH I COULD MAKE JIN SIT ON THE BENCH?!!?!

Also wish I could initiate the Jin interacting with his horse animations outside of just after completing a mission.