Buy drugs and give them the old “it’s either drugs, lego, magic the gathering, or warhammer 40k. Your pick.” Ultimatum. 

He thinks feminists are dumb because no one will have sex with him and he's clearly an "alpha male".

Lmao yeah I just asked co-pilot and it was like "lets move on to another conversation", even our AIs are dumb as fuck.

With none of the responsibility or accountability. Can what you sold actually be done? It doesn't matter it sold!

It's very common here, we have a lot of the stuff. Basically you just suck the fumes from the ground and spew them into the air so they don't get trapped in your basement.

Who will turn their car names into pre-teen sex jokes and create the worlds worst truck imaginable then??

It all technically ended on cliffhangers, which is why I cursed the Syfy CEO to have hangnails for the rest of their life after the shows were cancelled.

Lol I am trying to imagine little six packs on your eyelids, which would be sick because if your eyes were tired or itchy you could massage them with the eyelid muscles.

Only 12 hours a day? I train 28 hours a day because I train at double speed. I also listen to audio books at 2x speed so I can learn while I train. Sleep is for the weak, THEY want you to think you need it, but after the first 4 days of staying awake you naturally start micro-napping which is natures preferred way.

I guess it depends on what you're going for but most of them were super competitive and you worked insane hours. If you didn't want to or couldn't work those hours there was a line out of the door of people who wanted your job so they could replaced you easily. Not to mention always learning new things and trying to improve yourself because new amazing artists appear every day.

Though I am an American so we have no workers rights to speak of so mentioning London your experience would probably differ.

egret having diverted from my initial studies as a 3D artist

Did that for a bit, trust me you're better off. Unless you were a 3d modeling prodigy or something I suppose.

I am a software engineer who is struggling massively with this. I don't see any actual point to the work I do, sure it somewhat helps our clients but it doesn't help humanity in any way shape or form. It just feels like I am a cog stuck in a massive machine inching it's way closer towards humanities demise.

I don't know what else I can possibly do though, the money my wife and I make affords us a comfortable life but it just feels empty. I thought about non-profits or state government work or whatever but the pay is so abysmal I couldn't see myself loving that, also generally those people are forced into a horrible government office.

I honestly cant think of anything at this point hidden in those files that their base wouldn't be fine with and mental gymnastics their way out of. Like even the worst things I can imagine I could see Republicans arguing for not being that bad.

We uh...don't have healthcare, our education system is in the shitter, and our entire country is setup to try and get people to join our military because they're told about the healthcare and education they will receive once they're out. But they find out that's all a lie once they get out because we don't spend any money on veterans we just spend it all on more weapons to kill people, we don't care who. We also have the most famous top secret military base in the world that is probably an elaborate distraction to hide our real secret military bases in the middle of the mountains in some random country.

So, realistically how much would they be fined? Would anyone go to prison? If it's just a fine then it's just a simple business tax for them and they will obfuscate this far more in the future.

Yeah doors are expensive and exterior doors are a pain in the ass to install.

Do not take anything any Republican or Conservative says at face value, they are themselves a joke.

NTA at all my man. Some talk of sex is normal among women though I have never seen it with guys, but a photo? If it was consensual from you both then sure whatever but without you knowing is basically revenge porn on her part and is no different from guys who send their friends nudes they get, it's a massive breach of trust.

Also based on her reaction where she tried to sleep with you to get you to not be mad anymore I would 100% prepare for a false SA allegation from her. She might not end up doing it but you'll wanna be prepared.

Why was he not charged with attempted murder for each count? There is a high chance cops will just start shooting in these situations without any concern so he should at a minimum be charged with that.

I seriously think that board rooms and c-suite meetings should require one person who cannot be fired that tells these morons what they need to hear. Anyone with half a brain in the room when they made the decision to make this would have been like "hey this is fucking stupid for all these reasons".

NTA. That wasn't a joke on her part she was dead serious. She wants to just sit at home and chill and do nothing, which I get because if given the chance I would do that for 5-10 years until I got rid of my burnout and would go find something to do but she just wants to exploit you.