You are not overreacting - the friend could be his Ex's 'in'. Women will always find a way.

Just please don't wait until the evening that the exam is due to try to get set up with them and then bombard your instructor with panicked emails when it is too late.

She would rather be with him than you. Now you know.

That stupid comment makes you sound like a conservative.

One either claims that proof exists or does not claim that proof exists - that's a true dichotomy.

So there's no one in the red, blue, yellow, or black areas?

I would be happy to be a consultant if you like - if you described situations or fight scenes, I could propose movements that might be used.

Aah, I misunderstood what you were asking - you're looking for numbers that are "close" to being rational. We could always create these (as you sort of have), so you must be looking for ones that have arisen in other situations.

No, it can be proven that any repeating decimal expansion can be written rationally, and in my Calculus II course I show how to do it using infinite series.

My paycheck gets directly deposited into mine and I pay off loans with it. I've bought cars outright and bought a few rental properties with it. It's the best financial decision I've ever made. See 'Velocity Banking'.

It is a sign of a history of health, and men wanted women who would live through childbirth and live to raise children.

Notice that this is flattering to right-wingers and critical of left-wingers, yet it does not mock an idea, but just makes fun of people it doesn't like.

"Could of used one more day"? What the hell does that mean?