My husband and I are married over 30 years. In college he lived with a girl and did just about everything with her best friend and the best friend's boyfriend. The best friend friended my husband on FB. He has not seen or spoken to either one of these women in over 30 years, since him and the Ex broke up. I should mention that on our first date he talked about this ex-girlfriend and I've always thought he was harboring feelings for her. He now says he talked about her on our first date because he wanted me to think he had game. He voluntarily unfriended the best friend. AIO by being threatened by this Ex?

Editing to add: I left out a few facts in the interest of space. When the friend friended him she said she had JUST been talking about him to the Ex who is now divorced and the friend sent him an picture of the four of them together.

Also, I want to add that our first date wasn't the ONLY time he spoke about her. It was the beginning of him speaking about her. I know, whether I want to or not, every detail of that relationship, down to what she wore to bed when they went away