Damn, I guess during college when this was the only affordable party drink, we had a lot of masochists on campus.

Xim Xer, I am very proud of you for coming out, but you still cannot change the fact you have an XY chromosome pair, and you liberals normalized 5 black men plowing your wife.

If you're doing so just to make a mockery of your denomination, yes. If I went to your same parties (I'm not a Catholic, I'm a Lutheran, so I'm not a big fan of Catholicism to begin with.. *ahem Martin Luther, the Diet and Edict of Worms*) as a "sexy pastor", I don't believe anyone of you or your congregation or social group would take too kindly to it.

This is my general rule of thumb when it comes to Halloween: don't be the idiot to be Jesus, Prophet Mohammed, Pontius Pilate, Martin Luther (the German one, in case people here are uneducated), any dead or current US presidents or foreign leaders. Basically dress up as goofy monsters, because it's always the stupid US citizens that get offended (always the democrat voters), and start fights (very democratic and socialist of them). Dress up as a silly monster, take the candy, go home. Try to use your head while you're at it.

Me personally, I grew out of Halloween dress up and parties by age.. 15 or so, then after that it just made sense to act like a grown up since then. I never had to worry about offensive costumes because I avoid stupid voters, and I avoid dressing up as things that will cause stupid people to be upset. Anything tied to a religion (a real religion), anything tied to a famous historical figure (regardless if good or bad), anything that will rile up a liberal because the only people that believe in the US constitution are conservatives.

Friendly fact reminder: If we had the 1950's today, being offended by a costume would land you in an insane asylum, and the 1950's created the good times of America (strangely, a Capitalist and conservative time too, with 80% of households married, and the record highest church attendance. Strangely, lowest crime, no homeless defacing public decorum, no teens in skinny jeans robbing stores or passerby's on public easements. You'll find as a correlation, we live in the complete opposite of the 1950's in the modern day. Just a hunch, but I smell a suspicion that perhaps.. the 1950's were right about a lot of things?)

Lying to your boyfriend is not a good idea. Lie after lie after lie only causes distrust. Trust is similar to glass, once shattered; will never be the same. You cannot hide a pregnancy, you either are or are not pregnant. Lastly, it's unwise to get pregnant and NOT be married. You're already acting like grown adults, so just get married like normal adults? Anyway, if you had a miscarriage in the past, okay now what? Can you re-animate the dead? Do we just sit and cry about it forever and do nothing? No, so try to move on from it, it's easier said than done. Remember this, there are people that try and fail pregnancy, be happy you can and have done it again successfully. You're also 29, you're plenty young and in time, you're not in a race.

If your bf was happy that you were pregnant the first time, he shouldn't be sad or upset the second time.. right? If the miscarriage was unintentional, then you shouldn't feel bad. I am hoping your boyfriend has more than 6 functioning braincells and understands that a miscarriage is no one's fault, it cannot be helped... right? I'm not going to drone like an engineer any further on this subject.

By the facts of the story here, it appears everything occurred to you out of bad luck, yes? Lying won't help you when seeking honesty, so don't fib anymore. Dishonest input grants you dishonest output, you will never need a good memory if you tell the truth. To put it in perspective: would you like a boyfriend who lies after lie? No, you wouldn't, so don't do it to him. No one likes liars, cheaters, frauds and phonies.

plain and simple.

Yeah that is what I meant. I will ask an officer at my TOD thank you!!!!!

Upon form filling and releasing it. Is the investigation still ongoing, or does it stop?

How do I know if my SF-85 has been completed?Question

I read online that people start their jobs before their investigation is complete. However when I logged into NBIS, I didn't see my SF85 there. Does anyone know what this means? I already work the job, I have only needed to re-clarify on my SF85 just once or re-update it once. I received my FJO at least 2 weeks after my eQIP SF85 was submitted.

Very funny dude, being a prostitute is hilarious.

I wonder why it always happens with socialism, every time, every period in history?? Weird!! I never seen Ray Krok or John Rockerfeller cause 30 million Chinese to die due to socialism, never seen 10 million Cambodians die due to capitalism (socialism allows absolute power to the Government, which is how all tyrannies form. Never happens under capitalism), never seen the Holodomor happen under Capitalism (you can thank those Ukranian deaths to Socialism and Communism under Joseph Stalin). Oh while I'm on the Stalin death tally, he's responsible for OVER 20 million dead soviets in the name of socialism. Strangely, you and the California sheep love worshipping CNN, MSNPC, and watching TV like a good 1984 Orwellian INGSOCian soycialist.

I guess you are the one that needs to understand the truth about socialism. I am still waiting for you to give me a death tally of John Rockerfeller, Ray Krok.. oh that's right.. zero deaths.. whoops. Time to bring back the 1950's once again as the conservatives were right as usual.. about everything.. at that time period.. again even in the modern day.

So.. you intentionally married a soyboy.. you KNEW you married someone who is not conservative, not traditional, not normal and has a functioning brain? I stopped the very second you mentioned "worried about the climate", like dude, did any of you Neanderthals open up a history textbook and learn how bad the environment was in the 1970's, and how we fixed it? Wow you two are born to be college degree levels of stupid. Get over it you nitwits, they had to prove it in court that the weather is unpredictable, and doesn't increase incrementally in regards to global heat (in fact, it's parabolic, not forever upwards you dolts).

You aren't a kid. You got married, you very well understood you engaged in a religious ceremony that binds you until death do you part, yes? You chose to marry this man, yes? Now you don't like being told that you can't shower? Last time I checked, CONSERVATIVES AND REPUBLICANS never had an issues with wives being neat, hygienic, and effeminate.

Final answer (I know quoting a song is cringe, but it's my final answer)
"If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch, you're out of luck, you're out of luck."

I applied to USA jobs as I got laid off, took them 3 months to hire me, good lord that was fast for the government. Whatever, I'm just glad I have a job and an opportunity to relocate (not to a democrat shithole).

You mean that "go to college, which you have been shouting at literal 4 year olds until they're 18, every day of their lives, 24/7/365 in Pre-K-12th grade"? since the 80's? I take it the "entitled millennials, Xers, and Zoomers" are responsible for that too? (Zoomers couldn't vote until 2021-22.. so yeah.. weird how facts work).

None. If you watch TV, you're an idiot who worships Nancy Pelosi and celebrities. All TV watchers want single 32 year old catmoms, and single 30 year old men at bars. TV watchers come from California and New York, and vote like California and New York

Non-TV watchers want nuclear families, traditional values, and an entire population NOT committing crimes, and acting like normal, sane humans with functioning brains.

Hmm, so let me get this straight, when a man does it to a woman he's the villain. But when we reverse the roles, 99.99% of Reddit (aka socialists, liberals, and morons with IQs of lamp) says the woman is in the right. It always ends that way.

NTA - you would be the asshole if you were married. When you're married, you don't just to say "I agree until death do us part.. until I wanna give up and cry and want my participation trophy from the Socialist Club. I get to break every vow and prenup because I have tiny heart syndrome". Since you're boyfriend and girlfriend, it appears you two are very unserious, and should live unserious lives, until you act like grown ups. Grown ups don't have a habit of drinking or doing drugs; grown ups have nuclear families, attend church, and live like normal sane humans with functioning brains.

You're a grown ass woman, still doesn't make you impervious to consequences and facts. Facts dictate that alcohol is a solvent, you will get no benefit consuming wine in comparison to any other healthy substance.

I would say "aren't you too old to watch TV and not read a bibliography?"

Mind you, you're 20, not 10, by roughly age 13 or 14 you should have gotten rid of your toys by now and learned to do something else to illicit play with others. By age 24-30 you're supposed to have a nuclear family and be married.

So, explain where in The Holodomor, the Khmer Rouge, 1950's China did any of this happen? Oh that's right, never. Socialism breeds destruction, death, and poverty. Capitalism is king, Mao Zedong is responsible for 30 million dead Chinese, Ray Krok is responsible for 0 deaths. Facts don't care about your feelings. Shut up you stupid liberal, you have not opened a single history textbook in your life, never even visited 1 museum.

So, explain where in The Holodomor, the Khmer Rouge, 1950's China did any of this happen? Oh that's right, never. Socialism breeds destruction, death, and poverty. Capitalism is king, Mao Zedong is responsible for 30 million dead Chinese, Ray Krok is responsible for 0 deaths. Facts don't care about your feelings. Shut up you stupid liberal, you have not opened a single history textbook in your life, never even visited 1 museum.