Security Clearance

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  • Discussions regarding the security clearance process are encouraged.
    • If appropriate, include the sources where the information can be found.
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Not Sure You Would Be Eligible for a Security Clearance?
  • Almost any adverse action can eventually be mitigated.
  • Still not convinced?
    • Browse some Industrial Security Clearance Decisions (appeals cases) on DoD Contractors here; there are tons of fucked up things people can do and still be approved.
    • DOE Office of Hearings and Appeals decision summaries are here.
Pinnedby gpupdateCleared Professional
Interim Security ClearancesFYI

I've seen the question pop up several times recently, so I figured I'd bring this post back. When it comes to Interim Security Clearance determinations there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Interim clearances are NOT GUARANTEED, regardless of how clean or muddy your background is.
  2. This is the criteria utilized by DCSA for making an interim determination (as a note: this is only if your clearance is being adjudicated by DCSA. If you are processing through another agency, their criteria MAY vary.):
  • Favorable review of the SF-86
  • Favorable fingerprint check
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship
  • Favorable review of the local records, if applicable.

Pinnedby yaztekSecurity Manager
Foreign Bank Account Question

I recently discovered that a relative of mine set up a foreign bank account for me when I was born, and it’s been under my name for several decades. I have an active secret clearance and didn’t report it on my SF-86 (or my taxes in previous years) because I did not know this account existed until just now.

How do I go about this? Obviously I plan to figure out how to access the account and close it ASAP, but from a taxes/clearance perspective how do I clear up the situation? Any help is greatly appreciated!

How long did it take you to get the clearance process started after TJO?Question

I am still waiting on starting the clearance process.

I got a TJO at a hiring event for DHS in May. I have done all the onboarding tasks (non clearance related). Now I’m just waiting.

I reached out to the HR contact, but they avoid answering my question re when I can expect to start the clearance process.

Secret clearance is required for the job.

Any way to get a copy the signature forms signed at the end of the SF-86?Question

I am trying to get my interim and a copy of the signature forms at the end of the SF-86 is required. It is not on the website anymore and the PSIP people say that they cannot access it on their side. They gave me another email and I have sent two emails within 2 weeks and received nothing back. Anyone know elsewhere I could look for this?

Note: aware that I should have a copy of it. I don’t.

Tier 3 (Secret) Clearance Application: Current SupervisorQuestion

Hi -

I am applying for a Secret level clearance (SF-86). I recorded my current supervisor, but would it be received negatively if I expressed concerns about contacting my current supervisor and offered alternative names.

I am doing well in my current job, so I am not worried about questions on my performance or conduct. Instead, my wife is about to give birth and our only healthcare insurance is through my current employer. The company leadership is not trustworthy and short-sighted (to say the least), so I am concerned about retaliation.

Would it make sense to express these concerns in the SF-86 comment section?

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Secret clearance and non filing of taxesQuestion

I just got notice from the IRS that I did not file for 2021. Sure enough, I initially filed through a common website, but it got rejected soon after.

This was my first notice from the IRS for some reason and no other years have been missed. This also comes up about a month after submitting my SF86 that asks directly about filing taxes over the past 7 years, which I answered yes to.

Besides refiling my taxes what should I do besides tell my security rep and HR? How will this affect getting an interim or clearance at all?

No job and 5-years since last investigation/CE DateQuestion

Hey guys,

If you are fired or laid off from a DoD contracting company, will your clearance be able to be “reinstated” easily within 2 years, even if the 5-year deadline to submit a new SF-86 happens after you leave the job? What if you submitted the SF-86 before being fired or laid off but are fired/laid off before the processing of that submission and potential subsequent investigation(s) do not complete?

For example, say you get laid off 1 month before the 5-year date occurs. Does that mean you are screwed if you don’t get another job within a month? What if you were undergoing a reinvestigation due to something submitted on the SF-86 (at the 5 year interval) but it didn’t complete before being fired/laid off? Per the below source, would the new company have to initiate a reinvestigation upon hiring me? Does “investigation” in the below quote just mean I’d have to submit the SF-86 and DoD will likely not do any further reinvestigations if there’s nothing on the SF-86 that is concerning? Does any of this hurt your chances at getting a new job?

Found this at

A security clearance remains “current” for two years after it is terminated as long as the underlying PSI is not out-of-date. Previously PSIs went out-of-date after 5, 10, or 15 years depending on the level of clearance. Now all PSIs go out-of-date after five years, but a clearance can be reinstated up to seven years if a new investigation is concurrently initiated. If there is either a two year break in access to classified information or the last PSI is more than seven years old, an individual’s clearance becomes “expired.”

Verifier Home AddressQuestion

I'm currently completing an SF-86, and almost all requests for a verifier expect a home address, even the exact apartment number, if applicable. My concern is that asking certain verifiers for their home addresses seems inappropriate and weird. For example, I'm currently enrolled in a graduate program and expected to be listed as a verifier. I'm using my advisor (MS, not Ph.D.), and I do not feel comfortable asking for his home address. Why can't I provide his office address/room # on campus? Another example is verifying my residence for the past 10 years. My current landlord/property manager is a younger woman, and I don't feel comfortable asking her for her personal cell/home address. That seems somewhat silly because she can be located and contacted easily, by providing the address and number of the management office. Any suggestions?

Summer vacation in Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore?Question

I'm looking to join the Army ROTC program in two years and become a military officer after university. My officer position is classified as secret. Will traveling to these countries harm my clearance investigation? Are these countries considered enemies or high risk?

What to do next?Question

Hey Everyone! Just wanted some guidance, as I'm at a crossroads in my career, and wanted outside advice. I am a married (M32), father of 4. I've been in IT since 2020. I have made leaps from computer repair tech , to help desk , and as of recent a solutions engineer. Along the way Ive also obtained my Sec+ in hopes of getting into a entry level position. During that time I have applied for a Secuirty Officer Access Control which would grant me a TS/SCI. Its been about 10 months now since the initial meeting. I was informed any and all of my contacts have been reached out to. It would the only thing in my way is the poly. I was also informed that there was a halt in the process due to their being a "back up"

  1. I was wondering if this is standard wait time?
  2. Would it be possible to apply for Job that would further along the process ?

3.With my experience once clerance how easy would it be the achieve six figures out the gate?

Thanks in Advance!

35P in the private sectorQuestion

For those who were former 35P(Cryptologic Linguist) what sort of jobs and income can you expect in the private sector with your skillsets? Also, how does this compare to a 35P with cyber security certs or a degree. Thanks for the info.

Listing past clearance on resume? If so, how?Question

I applied for and received secret clearance in 2020. This was for a temporary appointment that was several months long. I repeated this appointment in 2021 for several months. I've not held a position that required any clearance since then.

I assume that this clearance expired because it has not been used in over two years?

I'm applying to a couple of positions that require candidates to be able to achieve higher clearances than I've had. Would it make sense to list my past clearance? If so, how would you recommend doing so?

Similarly, most of my work for the past half decade has been FOUO/SBU/CUI. Does it make sense to mention this and, if so, how would I even do that? Skills section?

Thanks in advance.


Hi all- anxious about a recent interrogatory from DOHA and hoping someone can shed some light on it. It concerned previous marijuana usage in undergrad (5-6 times across 2.5 years, ending 2022). I was asked to read two public federal memos detailing how marijuana remains illegal regardless of state laws, confirm my usage history, and check boxes acknowledging I have no intent to do it again and understand my eligibility would be revoked if I did. Obviously I was truthful and clearly stated I have no intent to use marijuana in the future. Any insight? Should I be worried?

Timeline for reference:

Early Oct 2023: SF-86 submitted (Secret)

Mid Oct: No interim granted

Mid Nov: Investigator interview

Mid Dec: Sent to adjudication

radio silence

April 2024: Sent congressional inquiry

Late May: Interrogatory received (returned next day)

Worked in the cannabis industry ( on a farm )Question

I've read quite a bit of posts on here and most are pretty minor involvements with the cannabis/marijuana industry. I'm someone who has worked for 2-3 years on 3 separate cannabis farms (at least 1 not permitted - read illegal) in the past 10 years. I know there is no way to know EXACTLY how this impacts the chances of a clearance, but what I do want to know is it even worth trying considering this level of involvement?

Edit 2: Does anyone have perhaps an educated opinion on the impact on this involvement on the clearance process?

Edit: I understand that the new PVQ may take place of the forms used previously which only asks for 5 years back at which point this question wouldn't be an issue, but I have no idea when that form will start to be implemented.

Do I have a chanceQuestion

Hi everyone. I am a non us citizen from an arab country. My life was in danger which made me flea to a neighboring country and stay there illegally, I was planning to make enough money the head to the US and ask for asylum LEGALLY. I don't plan to jump over the border, I will go to the gate legally and ask for entry through cbp one app. My life got messed up because of me leaving the country, I had to drop university. My plan was to come to the US and after I get my green card I will serve in the military which will give me citizenship (so I can drop my old citizenship) and will also get to go to college for free. After serving in the military I am planning to study aerospace engineering as it is my dream to work in researching and manufacturing edge cutting technology in drones and fighter jets and missiles. By doing research I found that I will need a security clearance, citizenship won't be a problem as I plan to serve so I can get free college anyway. But after thinking it through I found that I have additional issues that could be a problem. 1-In my journey to the US border I will fly from Turkey to Cuba, Cuba will be one of the countries I pass by. I can chose another route that will be longer and more expensive and also more dangerous, so if this was the only problem I could figure ot out. 2-I am from an Arab country, it has good relation with the US but it still is an Arab country that doesn't respect human rights at least in my eyes, I am ready to drop my citizenship, I am even ready to give the government all my accounts passwords and also give access to have all my messages and phone calls recorded and monitured, if I getvasked to wear a live camera 24/7 I will also do it. But I am afraid that no matter what I do I will never be able to pass security clearance.

I wish I was born in the US but I was not. I think I let my dreams carry me away and it's just a matter of time before I get slapped back to reality soon. Since I was a teenager I had the American dream and working for US defense with a high respected job in Raytheon or Lockheed Martin making advances in technology and being a part of the strongest military on earth was my biggest dream that got me through very bad stages of my life and made me want to live.

I did not come here to get sympathy o say hey why wouldn't the US employ me, I still didn't do nothing, still did not join the US military or even gonto the US. But every time I think more about it and vision my dream I see more holes in the plan and more things that can go wrong.

Non-Agent FBI TimelineQuestion

Hey all,

Trying to get a realistic timeline for those who accept a non-agent cjo. Does anyone have a timeline they would be willing to share?

Can she get a medical marijuana license to use weed during chemo for nausea (Secret clearance)?Question

I have a good friend with a Secret clearance who was recently diagnosed with cancer. She is undergoing chemo treatments and experiencing nauseousness. Others have told her weed or taking Delta 9 works better than the anti-nausea medication the doctors prescribe. Of course, she is worried about using it and being drug tested or how it will affect her if she has to disclose this when she is up for renewal.

Someone mentioned getting a medical marijuana card or license. Would that help protect her?

TS/SCI question What are my chances?

For reference I’m 21 and considering joining the Air Force and hoping to do an intel job(linguist,etc.). However, I have lived in a foreign country for about 8 years out for the past 10 years. Since I spent most of my formative years abroad, most of the people I know are foreign contacts. I’m curious how this would look for the investigators.

Edit: I am a US citizen. I was born in the United States and lived here for most of my childhood. I left when I was about 11 and came back a couple of years ago.

Reciprocity Question

If I did a T5 investigation and found suitable for DHS and I apply for an IRS position that requires a T5 investigation will they reciprocate or I will have to do a full investigation?

How can I present this without confusionQuestion

I have 2 questions on this. There doesn't seem to be too many posts about this particular case. From what I can tell, i need Security level. Potentially TS. But I wouldn't apply for another year or so.

I was involved in Findom years ago. I was on the sub side, sending money. I saw it more as a sugar daddy type deal. It was all online and as far as I know, all legal. I never had any financial issues from it.

However, 3 of these girls were in Canada. Do they count as foreign nationals via common interests? I paid one through PayPal, the other was via wishtender and the 3rd I let use my credit card (all at different times over the course of a few years).

I have since stopped. We all ended on good terms. I decided i was done with it and deleted everything including paypal.

It's been 2 years since any contact with them (and findom in general). We all kept it mostly anonymous, so I don't even remember their names or any other info anymore. And the accounts I used (instagram and twitter) are long gone.

The 3rd girl, who I let use my credit card, obviously made payments while she was in Canada. But I've never been to Canada. Is that something I should explain in the additional comments?

Is the purpose of putting the foreign nationals so that the investigator can contact them? Because have no information to supply in those fields.

Do I even have a chance at getting clearance? Hindsight, these are the dumbest decisions I've ever made lol. I'm otherwise clean. No drugs, no alcohol, no crimes, one speeding ticket back in like 2016 somewhere. Also a minor car accident that i was at fault for (different story lol). Never done anything illegal that I can think of. 750 credit score. My debt from loans will be gone by the time I apply. No other debt.

I'm not really worried about blackmail or anything. We mutually kept it mostly anonymous for those reasons. I'd be willing to tell everyone I care about about it if that means I can get my clearance for this Job. Should I?

Secret GrantedClearance Granted

Hi all, my clearance (secret) was granted yesterday. I hope timeline below helps for those who are patiently awaiting. I work for a major DoD contractor and it took about 8 months.

Early Oct: SF86 submitted.

Mid Nov: interview with an investigator.

Late Nov: interim granted.

Late Dec: background investigation completed and sent to adjudication.

Radio silence

Mid Apr: submitted FOIA request

May30: received FOIA documents

May 31: received an email from security that Secret had been granted

Red flags: naturalized, foreign contacts, foreign travel (business trip)

Good credit score, no drug use, no criminal records.

I can’t prove whether FOIA request helped but I’d say it did based on timeline. I’d recommend you do as well if your wait time has been longer than average process time.

Good luck to you all.

Should I work another job while waiting for Security clearance?Question

Was offered a position contingent on me getting security clearance. Currently waiting for the investigation and I'm currently without a job. Can I work another job while waiting for this to wrap up or will that mess up the investigation? Do I need to inform my security officer?

“Favorable Review of Local Records”Question

Not asking about chances of obtaining an interim clearance but what does favorable review of the local records even mean for an interim clearance? I have read it is subjective based on who’s looking at it, but who is the who? The investigator or someone else?

I have worked as a civilian in LE with the same agency but in different capacities/offices for over a decade, held a S for the past decade, and have been offered a job that requires a TS to start. No security issues, always gotten exceptional evaluations, routinely work sensitive cases and have proven I can keep my mouth shut so integrity questions aren’t hypothetical when my co-workers and bosses are interviewed.

No drugs, no arrests, no issues with alcohol or mental health ever. No foreign contacts or businesses, some debt between mortgage, car, credit cards but all manageable and a clean credit report with no late payments, collections or judgements. I got a passport for the first time in 2022 and only travel has been to the Caribbean by way of cruises between 2022-present.

After the investigators complete the interviews with old bosses, co-workers, personal references and neighbors and send off their report, what happens next besides months and months of waiting on my end because there are thousands of other people also waiting?

Again, not asking about chances of obtaining a clearance either interim or final or for anyone to tell me how long it will take. I know it will take as long as it takes.

What does this process mean if you already have a Clearence?Question

I already have a security clearance from the military how long will the process take?

Reactivating TS/SCI taking forever. Normal?Question

Reactivating may not be the proper nomenclature but in layman terms that’s what I’m trying to do and it’s odd to me it’s taking so long.

I had a TS/SCI and the last investigation was completed less than two years ago. I then switched to a different job still with federal government and the PD only required a secret, which I still have active.

But last year I applied and was offered a job that again requires the TS/SCI, and I accepted. All I filled out this time was the SF86C to answer if anything changed, which it hadn’t.

It’s been in adjudication for about six months. I must claim ignorance on this topic, but I’m surprised it’s taking this long. In fact it’s approaching the timeframe it took when I originally went from secret to TS/SCI and had to do the complete investigation.

Has anyone else ran into anything like this? I know it takes as long as it takes, but it doesn’t seem like having an active TS/SCI within the last 24 months is speeding this up very much for me other than not having to go through the effort of filling out the entire paperwork all over again.

Secret ClearanceQuestion

I was granted interim clearance sometime around march of this year. When should i expect to receive my full clearance? My only thing is that I have foreign family and when filling out the sf-86 form, i specifically stated that I don’t speak with them on a regular basis.