I think it should have gone to Rice, and if not Rice, then Mainoo

But Jude did do the thing

As they fokken should

Crazy that some people think it's a good idea

if he won't get banned for this, it's actually crazy

does Elon Musk approve of this shit?

I think that if the entire team doesn't throw like crazy vs Croatia, they could have won that world cup

I'm real happy for you Ruben Vargas and I'ma let you finish but XhakGOAT is the greatest midfielder of all times

the books are beyond lit

her character is built very well imo

enjoy ♥

  • I feel bad for Biden; Not that I think that he was the kindest or nicest man throughout his life, but putting someone in a position to do something they cannot do infront of hundreds of millions of people is a shame.

  • I think Trump's method of debating made Biden's job even harder - Trump thrives on saying a million barely related and mostly inaccurate things in a minute. In order to have a chance against him, you must be focused enough to either address his inaccuracies and deviations from the subject, or to sum up his entire rant and point out it's flaws quickly. Both methods call for A LOT of focus and Biden seemed no where near that.

  • The Democratic Party is a multi-billion dollar business, with, allegedly, some of the best advisors in the world. Them making the decision to send Biden over there makes me question either their competence or their intentions.

  • All around, Trump lied, deviated, ranted, lacked humility - and still, he won like 70-0.

Sad debate. Upsetting also.

Never give someone who cheats on you another shot

This is one of the most common mistakes of our time

I understand that with no legal punishment installed, it seems like this isn't that big a deal

But it is

It's one of the biggest deals possible

Fuck every single person who cheats

I hope you'll kick her out of your life for good and start healing

I'm really sorry this happened to you


I wish you well

P.s. I am blessed and privileged, no doubt

But you're not there, you're here. And so is Deni. I'd understand if you'd be upset if Deni said something atrocious, but he didn't - all he 'did' (a passive act) is not saying things you wish he'd say. If that's enough to prevent you from chilling with a person or being able to examine them favourably, well... See my previous comment for the continuation.

Like I said, let's hope for peace. I am also against the pain people are going through. I just don't see self-alienation is a viable form of praxis, or generally as a healthy choice, since, like I said, it's not like you're only alienating yourself from people who truly do say or do heinous things - you're doing so from everyone who doesn't fit a rather narrow scope.

If you try to build an ideology of love based on hate, you'll just become constantly frustrated and triggered by people around you who may not see things exactly as you see them

I understand that you're operating from a sense of justice, feeling bad for the misfortune of the Palestinians in Gaza, but calling every person that doesn't see this situation within the narrow scope that you allow an 'apartheid sympathizing racist' just detaches you from society

Best of luck with everything, and let's hope for peace

I hope he and Chauncey'll click

Could be a great player

It was a fun run, Washington

Best of luck in the future

He had a 43 point dounle double right before the allstar break

He's an all arounder

G r e a t pickup