Most of their album artworks were incredible, I think Still Life and BWP are the best

Hoće li snimka tijekom postupka biti korištena kao dokaz, odlučuje nadležni sud.

Znaci ovisi kome se sudi… i koliko dubok mu je dzep.

A gle index naslov, jos je i dobro da nisu napisali “jebala mame svima” ili tako nesto


That would’ve been Russell

I think Dead Space did the same thing, I remember always feeling a bit stressed for ammo but the game would somehow give me just enough to keep me going

Ako je pametnom dosta, a OPu nije bilo dosta… zakljucak se namece sam od sebe

Named Madril in the TCG, not sure about the movie credits

I feel like that’s the opposite, you hear his name but don’t even see his face lol

Fittingly meaning “hidden protector” in Old English

I said that too, and I was merely watching it in the cinema

Surely someone else in his whole career would’ve taken advantage of that if it was such a glaring weakness

💡 Explorer (Lvl. 2)

Svi koji se ne slažu s njim, vjerojatno

Even so, it was an elf versus a Vala. Melkor at his peak power could probably have deleted him from existence simply by thinking it.