Keep looking. You won’t want your wife and child hanging out there all the time.

“We’re leaving.” One of the best delivered lines in sci-fi!

Increased demand creates jobs. So … tax cuts for middle class consumers creates jobs because they will then have more spending money. The lie about job creators should be challenged all the time as nonsense.

The first symptom of electrical issues is often the entertainment system glitching. Check your battery cables as a loose cable can cause this. May also be the battery itself beginning to fail. My bet is something with the battery or a battery cable. Good luck!

This! There is ownership class and working class. That’s it. The other “classes” are made up by the ownership class to keep the little people fighting amongst themselves.

Ugh. We can do two things at once. Eliminate the wage base cap and not increase benefits based on taxes on higher income. This solves the funding problem for decades. Just this one thing.

Billiards on Broadway for excellent food and game viewing.

What do you mean Bargs has bite? I can see!! Really? No. Sure has bite though!

Thanks for asking this question. I was wondering too. And … excellent use of hullabaloo😀

Keeping it classy! This guy should never be trusted with any power ever again. He is completely and self-evidently unfit … for almost anything.

Reed Heating is honest and fair.

This! A million times this!

October edition of NADA guide is what Missouri law requires the Assessor to use.