If I know which direction she's coming from I try to have my back to the sun so that she can't see me until it's too late. Then I pop out and give my best pickup line, which is... "Do you like bread?"

I'm a little confused why one couldn't get a PhD within 19 years. Your PhD thesis was never up to snuff? Seems like after a certain point you'd be enough of an expert on the subject it should just happen.

Asking out of curiosity not trying to be a dick =D

i missed a few of the time jobs that probably would've given more potatoes. But with 3 days to go i needed ~250 that was rather annoying.

definitely a catch. They might've called it incomplete just so receivers wouldn't fumble all the time as they were being concussed.

I think being Russia's enemy means we're the good guys again? That's nice. 

I know people are upset about the ruling but the ruling DOES NOT make it illegal, it simply said laws of this sort are constitutional and it's probably the correct ruling. Just because land is public doesn't mean anyone can do what they want on it. That's up to the local government. Congratulations, you can talk to your city council reps and decide what you'd like. I really have no idea how police will enforce tickets on the homeless population that doesn't have an ID or address but that's not my problem that's local government's.

In short, you don't have a constitutional right to sleep on public land. Seems reasonable.

If you're going to get angry about recent rulings this isn't the one I'd pick.

jfc read the topic people.

Untrained woman vs untrained man. Not woman with 15 years BJJ against yaknow, me.

Sure she stands a chance, about as much as I do against a 300 lb guy that's 5" taller than me.

Simply walking by you have no context for the situation. Could be a lovers' quarrel or two addicts fighting over something for all I know. If I hang around but don't get involved I can:

* Provide a witness to the police when they arrive
* Possibly intervene if it gets violent or worse
* Walk away if it turns out to be a situation that's none of my business like I mentioned above.

i would think automaton script would either be hexadecimal or something like a qr code.

i think i'd do variations of rolling them up with toppings, cut into rolls and cook.

So like, 1 you load up with cinnamon and some vanilla icing. Bam, dessert dough.

Another you load up with salsa, cheese, veggies ( green pepper, onion, olive) and bam you've gotta taco thing.

How about butter, maple-ish syrup, blueberries? Now you've got waffle dough.

You get the idea. Man it'd be fun to try this.

In my experience people like him enjoy doing stuff but never bother planning anything.

What I'd worry about is: will you eventually get tired of planning everything? I guess you'll find out if he'll even do the bare minimum of yaknow... Getting you a birthday gift and taking you out to dinner.

i swear the Dominator can, but it takes a lot of shots - probably on the engines. Which isn't easy since the dominator is not hit scan.

Wow this brings back memories.


What I'll say is more often than not the guys that were joking a lot about gay stuff and/or doing gay stuff, turned out to be gay. I thought there might be less of that now since it's easier to be 'out' but I guess it's probably still tough.

There's an old rts called Krush Kill n Destroy that oil was the resource of choice. 

But it didn't really make more of a difference than a warcraft gold mine. 

I agree with you on the OvD side of things.

I'd like to see some rule changes that evened up the playing field on unnecessary roughness when a (primarily) QB is sliding or going out of bounds. The QB looks is on the line or looks like they might slide so the defense lets up; Or they actually do go down just as the defense hits them and gets a 15 yarder.

I think whenever they add a rule that benefits offense they should add something for the defense. Eg: awhile back when they made defenseless receiver a thing, I think they also made it so you could push a receiver out of bounds while they're in the air.

Now that hip drop tackles are banned, it'd be nice to get a rule change for the D. I like watching defense more than I enjoy watching Mahomes or Josh Allen rip 25 yard runs because everyone's afraid to get a 15 yarder.

i'm pretty sure the tent city was from the israel protests.


Why would you make software to piss someone off while their opponents wouldn't notice anything? 

Furthermore, how does the game know what's horrible draw luck? Sometimes you need more lands, even when you already have a lot. Oh here it handed you another draw spell instead of a creature. So someone has to develop this complicated ai engine then shuffle cards to the top, all to piss someone off? 

I don't think it was except for maybe some signage but I could be wrong.

A roundabout would be perfect there because that intersection is weird. 

Lol I (still) go to this bar and I think most people loved Big Mike, employees included. Although he might've been an idiot. He did go to jail for tax fraud. He was charging state sales tax but not forwarding that on to the state. They gave him some time to make amends or go to jail. I think he opted for jail instead of selling his house, etc. 

I feel like the bar had a judgment placed on it and was eventually sold, so he didn't recoup and cost from selling the bar. 

The bar that replaced it has never been as popular to my knowledge... And somehow managed to stay afloat. 


Did you ask them out?

I'd ask people for a drink after like... 15-20 exchanges. That seemed to take awhile on the apps, so if they're still exchanging messages with me after a day or two they can't be totally uninterested and I don't know why we wouldn't just go get a beer.

I've replayed SMW too many times to count so it gets my vote. I should play more DKC.

I would qualify these as strict platformers and I wouldn't put them in the same category as Megaman or Metroid, even though those games have similar attributes.

the timer didn't start counting until the order was marked ready.

when your carside was late / screwed up you were supposed to get a free pizza /reward points anyway.

Carside should not be jumping the line. If you ordered before someone else, your order will come out of the oven first and should be boxed and ready first. But I'll admit on a busy day in a store that really cares about metrics, it's a possibility someone might run a pizza out before dealing with a customer that came in.