These are really good! Especially Jake and Charles. I would watch the hell out of that spinoff.

People can be addicted to almost anything, but in this case in particular, Caffeine is a chemical substance in the same way that alcohol is. The body gets used to it and requires more of it over time. Some people get headaches and other withdrawal symptoms when they try to give up caffeine.

I'm not nearly to that point, I just want to cut my sugar intake to be healthier, and was struggling before I got the tracker app in my screenshot.

I'm seeing a lot of people comment stuff like this and honestly here's your problem: your scratch pads and cat trees are in the wrong place. If the cat gets the urge to scratch, he's not going to walk 10 feet away. Scratching is a "right here, right now" kind of urge. Kind of like yawning or stretching. Put your scratch post/pad directly in front of/on top of the place where they most often scratch. 9/10 times they will choose the scratch pad. It still won't be 100% because they are cats, but you need to meet them where they are.

I'm not sure if it's sodalite but it definitely saw-da-light

Everyone's talking about the pan to the noggin, which is fantastic, but what I love even more is the little gremlin sitting on top of the counter smashing the egg to bits. ๐Ÿ˜‚ This brings me so much joy!

As a former South Haven resident, I'm so proud my town made the list! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I know this is a terribly old post but it came up on Google when I searched for a wedge recipe earlier today. We tried your recipe and it is delicious! I appreciate your very clear instructions, so thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

The good news is that I don't drink nearly that amount per day typically--usually just a can or two. The bad news is that my other vice is sweetened black tea, which I'm not ready to give up just yet, but it doesn't have nearly the amount of sugar that soda does. One little step at a time I guess.

Congratulations! I'm surprised Ohio was more expensive, but it all depends on the area I suppose.

We refer to Indiana as the middle finger of the south. If you ignore the political bullshit, we have had good fortune while here, so I have few complaints. I would not have chosen to move here permanently but I really love the company I work for, and they don't have any locations outside of Indiana, so we are staying in the state for now. Buuut we are closing on a house in South Bend later this month, so we'll at least be closer to family--and the good weed. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Woo! Let's hope it's that easy for us lol

Congrats! I have been struggling to quit soda for a couple of years and am hoping tracking it will help. My husband and I want to have kids soon and I want to be healthier when I get pregnant than I am currently.

Quitzilla. It was the first one that came up when I looked up "habit tracker app." It's simple but it has ads.

Not a pun, they just pointed out that the other individual had no one to blame but himself.

The #1 cause of marital unhappiness is financial stress. What luxuries (big and small) will you have to cut to buy this house, and will those impact your relationship? What if something goes wrong in the house--can you afford to fix it? Would you have to give up even more in that event? Will this cause resentment in either of you when you can't do the things you enjoy?

I want to move back to Michigan so bad, it's the best of the Midwest states in my completely biased opinion ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'm stuck in Indiana for the time being

Congrats on your house, hope the inspection goes well!

I see your stuff on this sub all the time and it never fails to make me squirm