This is another one of those “People ruin it for other people” posts. It happens in Nightfalls, in PvP, in Gambit, in Seasonal Activities.

Matchmaking is always going to run the chance of getting players who either don’t know, or don’t care about these kinds of things. And there’s a really simple solution to every one of those problems.

Go in with a premade team.

“But, I should be able to matchmake and get the same experience!” Yeah, and I should be able to work 40 hours a week and not 60 to make ends meet. What reality should be and what it is are generally two separate things. Adding things like a Champion counter isn’t going to make Rambo stop running ahead and despawning the Champions. Having a tooltip pop up that says “Hey you kinda suck as an Invader” isn’t gonna stop Rambo from jumping through the portal. A tooltip that says “Really? Picking up the heavy ammo when you’re 0/15 on your K/D?” isn’t gonna stop Rambo from grabbing that brick in Crucible. Making the seasonal “materials” glow at an absurd rate and emit a big beacon isn’t gonna make Rambo stop rushing to the next section.

Rambo’s gonna Rambo. Does it suck? Yeah. But if it’s that big of an issue to you, just build a fireteam or find one.

I remember playing stuff like Spy vs Spy on the NES and A Link to the Past and stuff. The good ol’ pixels.

Now we have stuff like Red Dead Redemption 2 where you can see light through people’s ears in a natural way, environments are so realistic that they often get mistaken for real life. It just makes me proud as fuck, man. Like look at where we came from and where we are now, and it’s only been like 30 years. And it just KEEPS GETTING BETTER. It’s amazing!

So from what I understand from just basic psychology it boils down to visual versus emotional stimulation.

There’s a reason why regular ol’ porn is so popular with men, whereas things like erotic fiction are much more popular with women (in comparison, not saying every woman loves literary porno, and not every dude is into porn, these are generalizations, don’t hate me). Men tend to lean more towards visual stimulation, if it looks good we get turned on, whereas women tend to lean more towards emotional stimulation.

Since a lot of men have the brain capacity and mental facilities of a god damned cabbage, they think everyone is visually stimulated. For the really desperate guys, an unsolicited boob/butt/thigh/elbow pic is more than enough to get them going. So their logic is “if I would love it to receive a picture of her genitals… logically she would love to see my 2-inch-punisher.”

It’s basically a guy’s way of ineloquently saying “I have no idea how to actually interact with anyone. I assume that everyone must be like me, and I have no self-awareness to recognize that I am a degenerate.”

Yeah I had about 300k glimmer last night before I went on a turn-in spree. Focused exotics, some gambit guns, got some upgrade cores and stuff and have like 45k right now.

Yes. Pop an add or two, hop through and shred. But it also works with other players. So if you get a kill, your next kill will be easier, and so will the next.

If you’re using prismatic or solar, and you aren’t too worried about using grenades, use the healing grenades to win firefights in a pinch.

Bro, I love pirates to an absurd level. My last long-term campaign had some heavy pirate themes, and my upcoming campaign is a goofy pirate campaign (hehehe, I’m playing a grung monk named Kerbit DeFrug).

Neither of these campaigns featured or will feature anything like that. My first campaign had me playing g a barbarian who hunted pirates for sport and effectively became a pirate OF pirates, and our next campaign is pirates who have no idea what they’re doing and trying to figure it out as they go.

If you want to live out your weird “fetish” gameplays, take it to those weird forums where people actively want it. Keep that disgusting shit away from any table I’m even near.

As someone who has gotten so many Army of One’s that I can no longer count them, this is truly the way to win a match. Whether you’re winning or losing when you invade, doesn’t matter. A good invader will almost always win you the match.

I’ve invaded with an absurd number of weapons to like, test them out, and hands down the best weapon to use is a Heavy Machine Gun. Get yourself a Commemoration (preferably the god roll of Reconstruction and Rampage) or some other HMG with Auto Loading/Reconstruction and a 450 RPM. These have pretty great range usually and the way to win fights while invading is range and cover positioning.

Know your invade spawn-points. Each map usually has around 3-4, one spot for each chunk of the map. Go for players with motes if they haven’t gotten the prime yet, if they have, go for ones who are either focused on the prime or the envoys. Don’t waste time chasing after someone who’s just running and hiding, you have 30 seconds and if you just hyper focus on one dude you either set yourself up to run out of time or get blindsided by their team. The best time to invade is when you see their prime’s health ticking down, go in and negate whatever work they’re doing.

If you’re way behind, consider tossing Small Blockers rather than Medium or Large. The vex dudes have a chance to hit the prime with the invulnerable beam, the others will simply get wasted or ignored since they don’t really matter anymore.

Feels like it shouldn’t be needed said, but it’s disturbing how often I see this… if you plan to invade bank your fucking motes first. Like, fuck.

Make use of the teleporters/mobility things on each map. Again, only got 30 seconds and you may even get the drop on someone when you come out.

Unless it is 100% absolutely necessary, do not use your super during an invasion. Like they have to be just about to win, and you know for a 100% fact that your super will kill someone to keep the fight going long enough for you to secure 1-2 more kills. Otherwise it’s a total waste. Supers are for “Oh shit” scenarios or primes. That’s it.

If you suck at invading, like you go in a few times and the enemy team just pounds you like Riley Reid, don’t fucking keep going through. Even if no one else on the team is invading, you’re wasting time and damage by invading and getting blasted. Stay on your “side” and just contribute in any way you can, damage to something is better than sitting there for 10 seconds doing nothing after wasting another 10 running after a player only to get taken out by a Truth shot.

Use the taken on the enemy side as a radar-jammer, an easy way to track an invader is by the radar saying “There’s a dude over here and no one else”. Play into that by being around a bunch of enemies and you’ll be a lot harder to find.

Don’t just stand out in the open. You glow red and have a bigass aura. Use cover and positioning to give you an edge.

I’m sure there’s more advice I could give but that’s all I can think of right now. Good luck, Guardians. Hopefully one of y’all reads this and dogs on me and my teammates in Gambit sometime.

I remember getting a GameBoy CoLoR (lime green because it was the best color) and thinking that was the pinnacle of gaming-on-the-go.

And my cousin gave me his hand-me down regular gameboy too.

Used to play the fuck out of some baseball lol

I grew up playing the NES, then the SNES, and so on and so forth.

Every console blew my mind by what was capable and graphics. I remember thinking PS2 graphics were absurdly impressive because individual fingers could move (N64 just had like, mitts that would grab things). I thought certain cutscenes on PS2 were practically realistic.

Then the 360/PS3 came… then the Xbox One/PS4, and now we’re on the Series/PS5…

I’m so excited to see what 10 years from now looks like. And then for the 10 after that. :)

Shame at how debauched they got.

Honor at how debauched they got.

$34mil in two years comes out to around $46,000 a day in expenditures if you’re going through the 34 in that two years.

That means captain cucky was dropping almost $50k a day or more to get into the predicament he’s in.

50k a day. Let that sink in.

50 large every 24 hours.

With $34mil you shouldn’t need financial services.

If you piss through like $3mil in a year ($34m for 2 years) and it isn’t on something like purchasing a home you will live in for the rest of your life and you don’t realize “spending this much may be a bad idea” then you didn’t deserve that money in the first place.

Destiny Hater continues to play game he despises. Gets angry on Subreddit. Downvotes ensue. Destiny Hater doesn’t understand that there’s other things he could be doing with life, like licking less doorknobs or crying less by just playing a different game or touching grass once in a while. Destiny Enjoyer recognizes certain flaws in the game, but enjoys not having to constantly be on the game in order to maximize purchases. Enjoyer is happy to take the time he doesn’t need to be playing Destiny to go do other things like hit up bars with his friends, play other games that don’t have time-locks, and touch grass. Destiny Hater, enraged by Destiny Enjoyer’s mere enjoyment of an imperfect game, downvotes Destiny Enjoyer, thinking Enjoyer gives even an iota of a shit about the opinions of someone who seems to want to perpetually live in Destiny 2.

I’ve had a couple banks over time.

First was one my mom works at (still does) and they’re an objectively smaller, very customer focused bank. Any time an issue came up they were happy to help and solve the issue within a day.

Second was a bank out here in Texas when I moved. Not great service. Very much felt like sales and less of a bank. Constantly getting requests to open a credit card line with them, emails about it and every itemization (paperwork) came with a “Sign up for a credit card today!” thing. Bank was shit and had to run through hoops to get something handled, not identity theft, just a double charge. Dropped them pretty quick.

Most recent one is apparently REALLY big in Texas and they’re phenomenal. Can call 24/7 for any issues, they’re always on top of things. I haven’t had any fraud issues (yet, hoping I don’t ever) but some friends have the same bank and have, and their stuff got handled within a day. New card, reimbursed, less than 24 hours.

These guys gotta be banking with Dale’s “Trustworthy” or something.

Eyes up, Guardian. There’s pixels to complain about relentlessly.

-Zavala, probably.

Not to be that guy, but from the sounds of it you just don’t like how Bungie does anything outside of the base-game system. If you’re that upset about the game, and always have something that big to complain about, why not just simply play a different game?

Like, I love the idea of Souls games, but I can’t stand actually playing them. I don’t complain about the difficulty or anything…. I just don’t play souls games. If you’re always this upset about stuff Bungie is doing maybe Destiny is your Souls game?

You do know you don’t have to claim the rewards from a challenge until you’re ready to claim them, right? Like you don’t need to just immediately go and turn in your seasonal challenges the second you get them.

Tell me you’ve never lived with a woman, without telling me you’ve never lived with a woman…

I kinda figured this out on my own. I used to be pretty versed in how tech worked and when my parents were getting about 1.5mbps off cable Internet they called to have a guy come check everything out.

Guy shows up and “does some work”, comes in and does the speed test on his work laptop, comes back 40mbps (this was high speed back in the day). My parents were super excited but I, a teenager, was like “Hang on. Don’t leave yet. Can you do that speed test through Ookla? I’ll do one after you do just to confirm it.”

Never saw a grown man start to sweat so fast.

If the Mona Lisa were to be destroyed it wouldn’t make Water Lillies any more valuable.

If The Thinker were to crumble, the Statue of David would have no increase in value.

Continue being a beautiful, wonderful work of art. The road may be rough, times may hurt, and sometimes the pit feels endless. But not every day is awful, sometimes the awful times end and become good.

Don’t think that if you were gone things would be better for anyone here. You’re loved, you’re special, you’re beautiful, and you’re one of a kind.