I always thought they were registering FastTrack or # of cars

Whyyyy were they cash only? Work nearby

That's where I would go. That or Julian unless you wanted to go further.

Looks like these guys getting eaten alive by mosquitos is what this is.

That is also how I address my girlfriend who took the photo 'yo weinerhands get over here and take this photo'

TIFU: Sent an email at work without correcting the email headerS

Today the FU happened. I got into work this morning and sat in my office, and immediately got heckled by my peer (supervisor level) about some equipment maintenance past due. Background story, equipment just needs a report uploaded stating it's still valid for use, was done a month ago, and engineering and quality have dragged this event wayyy past due. Only Ops engineering is left.

I start my polite email about completing the sign off, as its been a few weeks past due. My coworker joked that I was just telling them to do their jobs, so I jokingly type it up as the header "Doing Your Job," to which we both chuckled. I think I got distracted at this point. People are always in my damn office asking questions.

Fast forward, I'm reviewing my email, looks good, and I send it off. I go to break, and pull out my phone to which I see an email "RE: Doing Your Job." My fucking heart drops. Not a mean email response, but one stating that they needed more information. Holy hell, I run back in and try to figure out how to redact an email while my coworker laughs his ass off. I ended up running over to engineering in person to apologize, and sent another email trying to play it off as a joke/someone pranked me. I don't want to seem like such an asshole.

I just got an email end of the day saying they rejected an ECO; I think I cursed myself.

TLDR; typed my mind in an email header, forgot to erase it before sending, potentially f'd up some work relationships.

SLPT: Get a great pump on your forearms

By overworking and tearing some tendons to cause a nice plump swelling

We've seen one briefly in our yard near the Famosa Slough. Wish they would snuggle.

She can swim super well! This is more a precautionary measure for visibility in case of emergencies!