Thanks for taking the time to reply man. Yeah something has to change. I've reached that point now where I am realizing that climbing the corporate ladder and money will be no good to me if I'm dead. Shit, alot of the money I've saved is needing to go towards my medical bills anyway.

Thanks man. Yeah things need to change. I need to build some physical activity into my week. Only getting out for short hikes on my days off now.

Guys that work on the tools, how are your bodies holding up?

I'm 38 years old and work a soulless office job. I spend 8am to 8pm 6 days a week on my ass, getting cancer cut out of my colon, stressed to the point I'm losing hair, eyes shot to shit from looking at screens all day. Not to mention the life being sucked out of m. Was wondering what life is like on the other side. Do you guys have better physical health because you move around and use your bodies all day at work?

RATM said it best... "some of those that work forces, are the same as those who burn crosses".

Good call. I'm at that point too. It's incredibly taxing. I just hope they don't shoot up the place if he loses like the ciolwnt crybabies we know they can be. 😞

Gotta fatten up that thin blue line πŸ˜…

Even though I don't like it, I know you're 100% right.

Hahahahaha I remember that time well. I was still serving when that happened. They sold it to us as being for our own good and our own health. The audacity. Nothing like spending 30 days in the field to come back to a fucking orange.

If they get rich off the backs of the people in this country then they can do their bit to make sure it trickles down. All this offshore shit needs to stop.

If they cant recornise that it is pure greed to hide the money away from the people that helped them make it then they can gtfo.

I'm a small business owner. My friends are small business owners. My customers are members of my community. We all participate in the economy. If everyone hides their funds off shore then I don't think they have a right to make bank here. My 2c.

Yet you can't point out this simple fact to them. Their feelings don't care about facts.

Mateeeeeee even if we waved a magic wand and all the "dole bludgers" and people on ACC were in the workforce getting paid 70k a year, that still wouldn't come close to taxing the upper echelon another 5%. The middle class are the backbone of any economy... there is a problem if they are struggling...

Yeah fair enough man. I take your point. It has distracted me from the other shit going on. My community is fighting the fast track thing at the moment. We really don't want our pristine coast opened up for mining exploration. Back to the eye on that ball.

Apologies for my last reply... that was too harsh. I just think giving people who do tough jobs slightly above the bare necessities shows that at least they are valued and appreciated. 11k a year is a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. Take it from the millionaires not the from the folks who already have a tough time.

11k a year collectively so people who do the toughest jobs can have a modicum of comfort? Hell yeah it's worth it. Come back into the office after scraping bodies off the side of the road and can't even have a cool drink of water. I swear folks like you know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

The cost to morale too! An Officer just gets done telling a family that their loved one died by being smashed into by a drunk driver can't even come back to have a cool glass of water to calm the nerves.... but TaP wAtER iS FrEe.... goes to show how much some people value people who do the toughest jobs.

Yeah but in the mean time, the police have a real world bit of joy taken from them. Shit man they have a tough enough job. Let them have a cool drink. You must be part of the 1%... pay your dam fair share of taxes! Give the people who do tough jobs some modicum of comfort.

Just give the Police their dam water coolers!Politics

Stuff article this morning says that the Police stand to save a whopping 11k a year by removing the water coolers. If NZ is that out of pocket, I dunno.... maybe raise the tax for the 1%ers slightly?

Honest question. Are there like precautions being put in place in case Trump loses? No doubt he will be claiming the election was stolen etc... what's being done to stop all the morons from another Jan 6?

I'm glad you gave us a challenge this time! πŸ˜…

At least this one was a challenge... unlike whoever posted the Dua v Taylor question.

Y'all reckon George Dubyah can die in peace now that he can be assured he isn't going down as the most moronic president in history?

Holy shit, if my son tried that he'd be in for a severe ass kicking