Music schools with masters degree graduate assistantships/instructorshipsDiscussion

I have been looking at graduate schools for a possible music performance masters degree. My primary instrument is percussion. Does anyone know any schools that often have stipends w/ tuition waivers for masters degree students? I'm just trying to look at some options, and it will be a few years before I apply regardless.

This is very similar to my experience. My mom was not on a diet, however she did often refuse to cook. My parents did not throw away spoiled food, and once I even hate spoiled dairy 3 times in a month. It was wild.  I ended up drinking juice to manage the headaches I got from not eating. Realistically, sure, we had other food. But it was so difficult to figure out what was still good, to find clean dishes to cook it in, and to avoid getting yelled at while I was cooking it. I’d sometimes just eat stale crackers instead. Once I ate a cold can of cream corn (straight out of the can) and got yelled at for it.  I just really relate to all of this. I also try to tell myself that it “wasn’t that bad”. It’s definitely bad, but it’s sometimes easier to blame myself rather than accept that there was a problem.  Was yours also during covid? Or was it a different working from home situation? 

I’m nonbinary and have also wondered if it was just from my trauma. Currently I’m just hoping for the best, and have still been identifying as nonbinary. 

Me too! This is the first description of that that makes sense. It’s so difficult to deal with 

This weekend is a trauma aniversary of mine (I don’t remember the dates of most things, however this one I do). I just dislike this weekend 

How common are SAA music jobs?

I’m considering applying to IU in the future, however I would likely want to go somewhere that would have some sort of graduate assistantship or instructorship. I am a music student, and am wondering how common these are for masters students

I know this post is two years old lol, but did you end up getting in state tuition? 

Music theory includes Roman numerals 1-7, so some kids will at least learn that 

I’m not sure whether or not you have ptsd, however the CPTSD subreddit tends to be really supportive. I believe that the ptsd one is also, however I have less experience with it. 

I’ve struggled with it for such a long time. I spent a lot of time trying to stop dissociating (and it worked a little, but then I would run into another trigger almost immediately and dissociate again. I’ve been doing EMDR therapy, and each session I’ve processed one trigger. Once I process one, it no longer makes me dissociate (however the remaining ones still do). Its really been helpful 

My parents shouldn’t have pets

My parents have a bearded dragon who hasn’t been doing particularly well. It took me around 1-2 months to convince them to take her to the vet. They did, and have said varying degrees of not knowing what’s wrong. One of them is saying it’s probably a foot injury, while the other is saying it’s probably cancer. The bearded dragon’s tank is not even set up correctly, and it makes total sense that something would be wrong. Theyll just take the poor lizard out of her tank and have her sit in random locations of their house (where she isn’t even getting her UV lights) until she falls asleep at random times of the day.

It breaks my heart that she’s struggling. She doesn’t deserve this. My parents are too disorganized and mentally unwell to manage anything, and they shouldn’t be responsible for any living creatures (including kids lol). They just let problems worsen until everything falls apart. Always. I hope they never get another pet, and I wish they never got this one. Luckily, their house is such a mess that they hopefully can’t get most pets, and I really really hope that helps.

I’m so close to healing, and its also surprised me how wrong those responses were. I’m so happy that it’s actually possible, and I’m really looking forward to not having PTSD anymore. EMDR therapy has helped so much 

I feel like there’s a lot of people at my school, however I also don’t know most of them, so I honestly don’t even pay attention to them. Like they’re there, but it’s not like they’re usually talking to me, so it’s okay with me. I do see people I know often, but it’s not the vast majority, and hasn’t been an issue for me.

I thought I would die before graduating high school. I’ve made it past then, and it definitely felt like a shock at the time. 

Shame over struggling to work while going to school

I'm currently a full time college student. My major requires me to take around ten classes a week. It's typically around 30-40 hours of class a week, with a decent amount of homework on top of that. I've been struggling to even manage my mental health with that. I really should have a job on top of this, but I just haven't been able to do it. I just feel awful about it. I hear people who manage to work part time or even full time jobs with this schedule, but I know I would just fall apart. I can't even manage school or my mental health sometimes. I just fear people's judgement (they don't know I have CPTSD) and I struggle financially.


Canned fruit. Like the canned peaches or pears 

Plus, if a kid has trauma, it’s not terribly difficult to tell. Poor behavior wouldn’t typically be the only sign. They also just let the kid continue their awful behavior instead of doing anything that would be beneficial for the kid or the teacher. 

I also have been a people pleaser and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at 16! 

I used to do this! Recently I did EMDR on it, and it reduced a lot. I’m hoping that I can continue to reduce it through EMDR, but I’m honestly just really enjoying the change so far. 

I felt this. I realized I had PTSD when I was in high school, but knew I would have to wait two years (until graduation) to do anything about it. It was awful. 

I get this too. I’ve been trying to figure out what exactly it is, and how to fix it. I’ve improved a bit, but it’s still confusing why anyone would ever care about me 

Me too! I had to double check that this comment wasn’t specifically a rondo reference haha

I definitely felt that way as an older child! I however also did not really have that strong of a sense of self, however I was really determined to succeed and get out of the situation. I also felt like I knew better than the adults around me. However, I still didn’t really feel like I knew myself or what I was interested in or wanted in life. I just desperately wanted to get out

I’m currently doing EMDR right now. It’s working amazingly. It can be really difficult at times, but the results are quick, and it’s worth it in my opinion. Prior to this, I was in an outpatient program learning various skills and information.