It’s so tiring. I realize I sometimes spend hours a day thinking of and preparing for imaginary conversations even with strangers. It’s usually them commenting on or slightly criticizing something about me (eg. “Why would you want to wear braces at this age?”, “Don’t you think you’re a bit too sensitive?”, “Don’t you have any other shoes to wear?”) and then me justifying myself and not even realizing they’re not an empathetic person to say stuff like that and not worth my time. I automatically go into justifying and explaining instead of just brushing them off by saying something like “This is how I like it”.

All of this is so subconscious, I don’t even realize a lot of times that I’m having these endless imaginary dialogues. Except when I do become aware of them I realize they’re exhausting. I’ve figured these must be because of not having felt validated and like I mattered and was heard and appreciated in my family of origin. Do others experience something similar and have you been able to resolve this?