"developing longevity supplements and focuses on targeting different independent pathways for synergistic effects."

sounds like mumbo jumbo...thats the bs talk I hear when fake nattys are trying to sell me overpriced supplements.

he went over much of his routine in a recent video...pretty good video.

He does what almost everyone else is doing.

at this point let's just call him SLIM

he went over much of his routine in a recent video.

get 1 million life insurance and also some type of accident insurance.

airbag suit for the track

limit street riding or none at all (depends on where you live and also how many altimas and dodge ram 1500s are on the road)

lol, I don't think that's a defense...that means they are clearly trying to sell/market here under false pretense ( FoR ScIeNcE ! )

they been pushing this for a while now, using the leaderboard, etc.

It's as though they despises us, because they are not us

Tuesday (July 2), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it will no longer allow brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in food or beverages due to safety concerns.


"The newly finalized rule will take effect Aug. 2, after which companies will have one year to reformulate, relabel and deplete their inventory of BVO-containing products. Many companies have already phased out BVO in their products, and some — such as Keurig Dr Pepper, the maker of Sun Drop soda — ~told news~ ~outlets last year~ that they were moving to drop the additive."

...this must make the no seed oil people very happy

Part of the floor can spin

50-70 inch tv

Some shelving on wheels

all speculation...

whats the phrase; causation is not correlation...

Blueprint is forever evolving/improving,

Also, one thing people forget is that Bryan's goal is to slow his aging and hope to live long enough until there are better techniques and technological leaps in longevity science (gene editing, etc). I don't think he will make it, nor will most of us, but our/his children might make it.

Mid-day power nap ? good or bad - talking Tesla style (doze off/wake) to 15 min nap (Einstein style).

I am talking about 1 short nap mid-day, NOT the more famous Polyphasic sleep cycle in which you take 20-minute power naps throughout an entire 24-hour period. This results in about 5 hours of sleep every 24 hours.

So, if it interferes with nighttime sleep then it would be a no go. But if it doesn't interfere with your normal 7-9 hour sleep; could this be helpful? Any data on this ?

sounds like a fake name...new additions to the leaderboard - coming soon:

  • I.P. Freely
  • Jacques Strappe
  • Al Coholic
  • Oliver Clowseoff
  • Seymour Butz
  • Homer Sexual
  • Mike Rotch
  • Hugh Jass
  • Bea O'Problem

What's their protocol? 

This leaderboard has become just the marketing ploy...

It's purposely generic 

You have to embellish 

You are actually in a good position to see if any of this stuff works, because you are young and showing an older bio age.

What's your diet and sleep like ? If you eat meat, how much are you eating, and also are you taking olive oil EVOO? I know Bryan says you can eat meat, but I am sure the type of meat and the amount matters.

You can start tweaking your life and get tested every year. What do you plan to add?

I thought the test was like $800? Are there 2 tests?


What are your workout like?

How long have you been on "blueprint"?

How much did the test cost?

I watch Dr.Mike regularly, at the vampire comment I said to myself "same old cliches"; but he ran with it for a while and kind of made it new and funny.

He's a little late to the party with Bryan... so nothing really new in his video.

and BTW I would want at least 30 subjects...from different parts of the world, Bluezone and non-bluezones, different races, lifestyles, economics...I'm at at least 1500 people...and I can keep going.

or I could give/sell 100 healthy people (in the first world) a product and promote the 5-10 that score high and use that as a running advertisement and try to create a viral marketing campaign to sell more of the overpriced shit.

nothing special...you can formulate it yourself.

The good results are because a lot of people are using it and you only hear from the people that are on the leaderboard and/or getting tested. It might be doing nothing for a percentage of the population (OK probably not nothing, but nothing worth mentioning).

for the money I think it's an okay deal if you have the cash, but people have posted that the blueprint stack is less per month.

Siim Land is cool, I watch his videos. Great for him, he sounds like a nice guy.

THIS...I was going to do a write up on this but most of you already know.

Novos is not a bad deal, but if there are 1000 people doing Novos and only 1 Bryan...it's easy to find someone higher them Bryan or close to him for a few $$$ a month.

People are just coming here, using the leaderboard, to market their own sh!t.

1) just fly to a blue zone and test 1000 people

2) get them on the leader board, hand them your product,

3) ?


I watched it...he is great, but he added nothing new. Just kind of went over what we (here) already know and have been discussing here for months.

I've seen an independent shop handle this on 2018/2019 Ford for $1800 (this was about 5 years ago). No engine damage.

Local tracks are 200 a day (maybe less for package deals), 1 hour drive, another is 4 hour drive...camping allowed.

I sleep in my truck, I'm used to it.

Nothing like COTA unfortunately...

food and fuel cost less in American (and no VAT), lower quality food compared to Europe.