Train T1 siege. Train T3 for the others. You can expect to unlock T4 soon, so all of those T3s will soon be T4s.

You were 20 and your boyfriend was 21 just 12 days ago. What's your secret to aging backward?

Oh ok. Well, most kingdoms are run by one leadership team that makes the rules, so even if you find a new kingdom, you may not like their rules either. Btw, having control of all alliances past zone 1 makes sense. It's how you keep your kingdom safe from assholes.

Why don't you join their family of alliances and be a part of the team?

CH25 is more important than tech in early game. At CH25, you can unlock level 25 rss production structures. Over the lifetime of a typical player's account, the majority of rss will come from the player's own production. I don't recall exactly, but annually, production typically amounts to something like 5 or 6 billion or so combined rss.

Also consider that at ~4M power, your impact in any fight is pretty small and even fighting opportunities is limited compared to the rest of your time spent in the game.

Did you log into your game account with the correct linked account?

The real answer is you migrated back to S2 from an older season. You didn't play straight from nascent kingdom through S1 and into S2 as f2p and saved 600 gold heads.

How does a f2p who just started kvk2 have over 600 gold heads?

Park them in a kvk that's about to end or put up a 30-day bubble and don't log in.

Google for places to obtain free menstrual products. Also, look into diva cups. Over time, they are cheaper than pads.

What everyone else said is correct. I'll add that the "Slave" title is a debuff. Typically, when a kingdom wants to zero someone, they debuff the target, so the target does less damage to the attackers.

Our streets are narrow, but plenty of space for people to park on both sides of the street.

I need to see a picture to decide if your neighbor is actually crazy.

Sounds like his gender matters quite a bit to you though.

You can slow the clock by avoiding the sun like a vampire. Fair-skinned Asians age well not because they're Asian but because they avoid sun exposure.

It sounds like your credit card provider did chargebacks for "fraudulent" charges, but many were real purchases in RoK. From my experience, Apple sometimes combines multiple purchases (from multiple services/apps/games) over a short period (up to a couple of days) into one charge, so $14.97 could be three legit $4.99 charges in RoK. Your wife must have done a massive amount of chargebacks in RoK for them to fully ban her.

If you're able to get in contact with customer support, perhaps they will allow your wife's account to be active (but crippled) with negative balances that can be brought back to positive with enough purchases. Anyway, if I were your wife, I'd consider it a blessing and walk away from the game.

Cameras also got a lot better (maybe it's worse!) in 5 years. Every imperfection seems to be accentuated and exaggerated with the "smart" processing in new phone cameras.

Hmm, you don't need money. The alliance needs rss and credits. The game tells you how much of each is needed for the next flag. Resources are generated automatically from the alliance's rss points. Credits are generated by members for specific activities.

The fact that you didn't stop after the first two sentences tells me you're just a fucking loser.

And fyi I don't need a dating site to find a woman who is looking for exactly the same things as me. I find her every single fucking time I look in the mirror.

I have been using Tinder since 2012, and online dating since 1998.

That's kinda sad.

If you're a guy, you can pick up decent quality pants and shirts at Costco. Other than that, shop at discount stores like Marshalls. Do not shop at malls because your cash won't get you very far. Also, do not buy disposable or plastic (polyester) clothes that turn into trash after one wash.