Where to eat in Luxembourg city?

Hello! I am at the airport on my way to Luxembourg city for the first time staying around Old Town. Any good restaurants? Budget is less of a concern but I am a female solo traveler and would rather have places that are not like a bar or something as that’d make me feel slightly uncomfy. Any sushi or pasta spots? or traditional food I must try? Thank you!

Where to eat in Luxembourg city?Ask Luxembourg

Hello! I am at the airport on my way to Luxembourg city for the first time staying around Old Town. Any good restaurants? Budget is less of a concern but I am a female solo traveler and would rather have places that are not like a bar or something as that’d make me feel slightly uncomfy. Any sushi or pasta spots? or traditional food I must try? Thank you!

omg yes this you are right — will search by this name :)

Hi! Where can I find chocolate Hiøj Kanelsnegle in Copenhagen? I’ve last had it at Meyers Bageri but last time I was there they weren’t making them anymore :(

Where can I find Hiøj Kanelsnegle (the chocolate one)?

Hi! TLDR two years ago I had the best chocolate Hiøj Kanelsnegle at Meyers Bageri. However, when I was in Copenhagen last year they said they weren’t making those anymore. I’m back here now and wondering where can I find this pastry? Really need the chocolate one in my life. Thank you!!