At Pizza Hut, it is always pan pizza. Many times a Personal Pan pizza since it makes me feel nostalgic. At Papa John’s it is hand tossed and at some local pizza places it is thin.

I feel that. Sometimes I’ll even delete the post right after submitting it because I realize that I’m then going to have to spend another 20 minutes later to reply to their response and at the end of it all, nothing will have been accomplished, and there are more productive things that I should be doing with my time instead.

If Piper would have won the belt in between Wrestlemania 1 and 2 and then lost the belt back to Hogan at Wrestlemania 2, it would have been huge and made Wrestlemania 2 a much bigger show. Unfortunately Piper did not want to job to anybody, not even back to Hogan, so they couldn’t trust putting the belt on him. 

Stop making me feel old. I had just graduated high school and was preparing to go to college when I saw this movie.

Smile and Sinister are the only two movies that have managed to scare me since becoming an adult.

If I’m stuck there then I’m going back to the 1990s when things were awesome. I’ll also know what to invest in to get rich in a few years.


That is a blatant lie. Trump left it up to the states for them to decide what they would close and most of the states that had the heaviest lockdowns were the states ran by Democrats.

Late 90's were the best

Oh no doubt people will be nostalgic for the 2010s in the 2030s. And those people will be Gen Z since they experienced their childhoods in the 2010s and most people of every generation get nostalgic for their childhood years especially once they start hitting their 30s as Gen Z will be doing in the 2030s.

But I don’t think that most people from older generations will be very nostalgic for the 2010s since the 2010s were generally not considered a great decade if you were already an adult at the time. You can already see that on this subreddit that opinions on the 2010s are very split between Gen Z that is already getting nostalgic for their childhood years in the 2010s and the older generations that generally think that the 2010s were meh at best if they were already an adult when the 2010s began.

Late 90's were the best

2008 was when the Great Recession started. I don’t recall things being optimistic at that time, especially if you were like me and had just graduated college and was looking for a job at that time.

Late 90's were the best

It started off great in the year 2000, but then life felt like it dramatically changed after 9/11/2001. The world suddenly felt bleaker and the optimism from the 90s was now gone and still has not come back.

On the more positive side, I do feel that the 2000s was the decade when the Internet was at its Goldilocks zone best. The Internet was now more mature than it was in the 90s and now served as a great tool for entertainment and knowledge that you would get on for maybe a couple of hours a day, but it had not yet taken over every aspect of our lives and all of the negative effects that came from that like it would in the 2010s. People also seemed nicer to each other on the Internet back then.

They usually don’t accurately reflect how much smoking was happening all over the place back then.

Whenever I like a movie or TV show, I research the hell out of it. I liked The Haunting of Hill House, so I found out about this right after I first watched The Haunting of Hill House and started researching it.

John F. Kennedy :Kennedy:

Bob Dole appreciates your vote. Bob Dole likes Bob Dole too.

I was overall a bigger fan of my SNES than my Genesis, but this is one of those games where I have to say that the Genesis version was better.

There is no way that Orton would ever make my Top 10. There have been both much bigger stars in wrestling than him and more entertaining stars than him.


Three movies come to mind for this:

  1. Jaws - It is not scary until I start thinking about it while at the beach.

  2. The Strangers - It is not scary until I hear an unexpected knock on my door at night which makes this movie pop into my head again as I wonder who the hell is knocking on my door at night.

  3. The Final Destination movies - These movies also aren’t scary while watching them until I’m in one of the relatively common situations like in the movies and start thinking about how the death scenes occurred. For example, anytime I’m driving and a truck carrying large objects is in front of me, I immediately think “Oh no, Final Destination” and try to get away from that truck.

You would have to pay a fortune for one that nobody has ever opened after 30 years.

Absolutely a deal breaker. I couldn’t deal with the noise and I’d be worried about if my dogs ever got loose and went to the road before I could catch them.

John F. Kennedy :Kennedy:

Nixon since he still had about 20 years of life left while LBJ did not have long left to live.

He was the best on-screen GM character ever. I don’t see why they got rid of him as nobody that followed him in that role could measure up.

Very surprising. I would have thought for sure that at least Turtles in Time would have made the list. Also no Castlevania or Contra either.

Late 90's were the best

As someone that was already an adult in the 2010s, I can only recognize one thing out of all of this stuff.

Late 90's were the best

“Alright stop, collaborate and listen. Ice is back with my brand new invention…”

I never liked this song or any rap growing up, but now it feels so early 90s that it has nostalgic appeal to me so much so that I bought it on iTunes.


Democrats are really having a tough day today, aren’t they? Today, I’ve been seeing them bring up the election across so many subreddits that have nothing to do with politics and in so many threads that have nothing to do with politics.

Edit: LOL, all they can do is downvote in response (while upvoting all the attacks on conservatives in this thread) as they know this is the truth and they can’t help themselves from starting attacks on conservatives on subreddits that should have nothing to do with politics just to try to make themselves feel better after Thursday night.