I love horror, I have been a large fan of horror since I was five. To some that would seem too young to start horror but it was one thing I was a huge fan over the course of my life, well that among other things. I grew up on classics for movies; Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm St, Jaws, Carrie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, Alien, AVP, Canydman, Final Destination. And that’s just to start.

I have been trying to scour everywhere for movies that are wicked twisty, jump scary or all around a horror movie that stuck with the audience that watched it that have come out from the early 2000s until now.

What is a movie that stuck with you, you never forgot, wish you could rewatch again for the first time or a movie that was really jump scary?

Edit: I meant to put watch in the title, I can’t change it now so please just bear with me and try to ignore that error.