Catholic School in New York since 2013. Best job Iā€™ve ever had.

Not crazy but at all. Cats are the best. The more the better.

I completely understand. I have a learning disability so many things were very difficult for me in school especially Math and Social Studies. I was bullied daily starting in first grade. It only got worse in Middle School especially from the girls most of the boys had realized what they were doing was wrong but not all. The girls never did. This continued all throughout high school as well. Many of the things I was told was Iā€™d probably never graduate High School and if I Iā€™d be lucky but Iā€™d never go to college. I was told I was slow and stupid. ( most of this happened in Elementary school). While it hurt me to hear people say this and sometimes I wanted to give up I also wanted to prove them wrong. Which is exactly what I did. I went to a Community College from 07-12 took some time off then went back in 16 and graduated in 18 earning my Early Childhood Education Certificate. I look back on it all now and realize that they were ā€œ pushingā€ me to prove them wrong. So I sort of thank them for ā€œ pushingā€ me to do it.

Yes. Expecting her to do all the chores in a day every day is ridiculous. Make I weekly list of 2-3 tasks a day. This way. She can do what you ask her to do and have time to be with her friends. Donā€™t give her tasks that are too long or too difficult. Donā€™t expect her to do them all at once.

Yes you are. That is not what a real friend would do. They donā€™t ā€œ stealā€ their friends crush. You promised your friend you would help her out with the guy she liked. Instead you backstabbed her and asked him out for your self then lied to your friend about it. If she ever finds out what you did which I hope she does. I hope she drops you as a friend because you are not a real friend.

Wow Dude. Youā€™re definitely a Bully and a horrible brother. Why would you do something like that to your own sister? That is beyond disgusting and disrespectful. You not only embarrassed her you invaded her privacy. I would be surprised if she disowned you because after what you did you sure deserve it. I sure hope she tells your parents and they tell you what a horrible and disgusting person you are.

3 1/2 months. I was going through a lot of continuous pain and in and out of the ER for most of December (ā€˜18). Went back to my job to talk to the Principal ( Catholic school) she told me not to worry about anything just focus on getting better because my health was more important than anything else. She told me my job was safe so I could take as much time as I needed to get my self feeling better. When I returned in the middle of March (ā€˜19) after a surgery. She was very happy to see me and ran up to me and gave me a hug and said ā€œ lm so glad to have you back I missed you and glad you are doing betterā€ on my way to the class I worked in several teachers and students were stopping to give me hugs and say they missed me and was happy I was back. When I got to my class many of the students wanted to give me a hug so I sat in a chair and let them give me a hug one by one. The next day one of the students who was out that day walks in and sees me he dropped his backpack on the floor and runs up to me screaming ā€œ youā€™re back I missed you so much ā€œ While it was a long time being out and not fun either it was well worth the return because that is something you would probably never see in a public school. Private schools especially Catholic schools in my opinion treat you more like family and care more about you and your health and family rather than how many days your working or how many days you missed.

I so agree with you. I canā€™t stand her. Most of her songs are whiny poor me,it should have been me, youā€™re gonna be sorry ect breakup songs.

No such thing as too many cats šŸˆ. More kitties= more snuggles,more love and more kitty kisses.

Yes I absolutely love my job. Iā€™ve been volunteering/working with kids since I was 12. I got my first payed job with children in 2013 at a Catholic school as a TA. After the Pandemic I was moved to a Sub/ After school program assistant. This year I may be getting my regular job back. I found after only a few months at this job I like working at a Catholic school better than I did at the Day Care I volunteered at a few years earlier. As well as most any of the day cares I volunteer at in the past.