President Biden: “[Trump] lied about the pandemic he botched, killing millions of people. He closed businesses. He closed schools”

Presidents Joe Biden held a campaign rally in Raleigh less than 24 hours after participating in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle against his Republican challenger, former president Donald Trump. During the rally, Biden criticized Trump's handling of the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic

“He lied about the pandemic he botched, killing millions of people. He closed businesses. He closed schools,” Biden said Friday. “America was flat on its back.”

This is not the first time President Biden or the Biden Administration has blamed Republicans for school closures and taken credit for reopening schools.

This also comes on the heels of a Governor Newsom sound bite this week where he blamed the Trump Administration’s “guidance” for California closing beaches, shutting outdoor dining, and arresting beach goers.

“All this happened with members of the Trump administration providing counsel and providing recommendations to states like mine. Very much part of that Trump record as well.” - Governor Newsom

What do you think of these statements by both President Biden and Governor Newsom? Is this an effective strategy to shift total blame away from their party and on to the Trump administration for individual decisions Governors and local leaders did, even after President Trump was out of office? Should they continue to blame Trump for the consequences of 2020-21 pandemic lockdowns/mandates and hope no one fact-checks them or should they just try and shift topics when second order effects of lockdowns are brought up?