Definitely should add in magic coin into the shop every month. Let people decide what they want to buy.

I’d of taken a magic coin this season.

I wouldn’t say watering is the issue with yours, you could try to add some calcium around the plant and see if that helps with the next fruiting.

This season since I was plagued last season with BER, i added one egg broken up under each tomato plant to “help” prevent BER. I also give each plant a nice drink of water every day since they are fruiting. Seems to be working well so it might be my new normal for tomatoes as I’m having really good luck so far, now I gotta maintain and trim the bushes.

Idk saving almost 100k gold for a lvl 14 was gunna be a nice treat. Books are nice don’t get me wrong. But a coin is also nice. Not everyone is maxed out.

I always thought it was weird that America had a big push to get help with gambling addictions between 2000-2010. Then I feel like gambling “disappeared” but then since 2018 SPORTS betting is becoming all the rage, it’s advertised EVERYWHERE.

I think one coin being added to the season shop is a great idea. I was kinda looking forward to some free lvl 14s but more books are always welcomed

I use the racking for seedings. Haven’t used the tarp in awhile.

Mmmm the EWC from Sparky will be nice next season.

Small creators turn into him over time

Idk why yall caring about Asmongold, he probably hasn’t even touched the game.

That thorn is essentially the remaining of the flower. I have a few that have it.

Definitely looks like Blossom End Rot. Normally caused by calcium deficiency, and or irregular watering.

I pluck them early if I see it, and have been trying to give my tomato plants a drink of water every day now that they are starting to fruit. I also tossed in a full egg and broke up the egg in the hole as I planted my tomatoes this year. So we shall see what becomes of that.

Mine some how ripped up linoleum flooring, from the middle. Dunno how he did. He also punished me once for grabbing dinner by destroying my couch. Big ole doofus now who hardly does anything wrong. Besides jumping into garden beds

Jodie Comer did great in Bikeriders and basically made the movie for me. That and Tom Hardy’s voice.

Kimmy much rather us Iowans continue drinking. That’s been made apparent.


So yes, I’ve done the Cedar Rapids to Denver drive multiple times. There’s NOT much to do out west in Nebraska, it’s a ghost state but I’ve hardly messed around in Nebraska beside in Omaha, west side of Iowa isn’t my forte much, but I still enjoy the Des Moines to Cedar Rapids stretch, Des Moines is mainly shopping and some sight seeing I mainly hit botanical gardens and Jordan creek. Check out the speedway if you’re into that.

Outskirts of Cedar Rapids you can go check out the Amana Colonies, inside of Cedar Rapids, I really like the Czech Village area. They have a nice museum down there. You’ll also be right next to MOUNT TRASHMOORE (landfill now turned into a park)

If you’re leaving from Cedar Rapids to Wisconsin. It’s absolutely a favorite drive of mine. Something about that drive I REALLY REALLY enjoy.

October you will also have good options for farms to go check out flowers, pumpkins and such.

Camping around the area of Cedar Rapids may be closed due to the season as a heads up.

Stay away from Kansas, that state sucks more than Nebraska does.

I’m looking forward to driving out to the Rapid City area next week.

Just remember, this isn’t even the spookiest thing we have in the works. But the fact this drone can sit on the sea floor “hibernating” for weeks. That’s crazy.

Hmm. As long as the QR code brings me to a webpage only, and if the staff makes mention this is the way, I guess fine.

I don’t care for them either, I miss seats having plexiglass dividing us back in 2020-2021 that was perfect

That being said, My dad along time ago started to question how much servers actually would be working, this was after his first experience with the mobile registers at the table to just swipe and leave. It stuck with me since.

And Russia unfriends the West once again. Oh well move on, let’s just ignore these stupid news stories.

Fall, Spring are prime times.

While it seems you have your answer this made me laugh and think back to a moment with my grandparents

So here it goes, one nice summer day my brother and I were spending the day with the grandparents. Grandpa was taking a nap, grandma had us picking up stick so he could mow later. Now there’s this beautiful maple in a perfect spot in their back yard, Grandpa always said never go climbing it don’t play on it. Well my brother and I thought it would be wise to hang from one branch at half way past the middle. The thing snapped, long big branch came down, boom we thud on the ground and start panicking, grandpa will be up soon, we just damaged the tree… grandma comes over to us both freaking out, and this saint says, alright we have 10mins, let’s take this and toss it over the fence line and rake, he may not notice. We did that took care of it, came inside and grandpa was stirring, so grandma springs into action, what’s dinner gunna be are you gunna mow, we got sticks picked up. My brother and I assisted grandma making goulash (top tier meal from her) and grandpa is mowing, and he stops… you hear the mower turn off, and next thing you know, he’s inside WHO broke the tree. Grandma on a dime said oh the boys did, but I dared them to climb it. Grandpa DEEPLY DEEPLY sighs, asks how much longer until dinner, and goes about mowing.

We then all had goulash and everything was all good.

it’s a very specific memory of the four of us. That was about 20 years ago. Since then grandpa has passed, and grandma is now moving into assisted living… that tree is perfectly fine, it shows the memory scar, and will outlast both of them. We did tell him about year later at Christmas or Thanksgiving it was us that it did it, and he said “oh I knew that day what you boys did”

Made me want a steak now.

I love cooking steaks in stainless steel, glad I’ve got it down. That being said, I’ll be giving your method an attempt.

Simple. I usually wear jeans, ankle socks and tennis shoes. This is just incase I get squirrelly and start weed trimming, I put my shades on. Grab my bottle of bug soother, one spritz on each of my forearms, one on my neck and maybe one in my hair. Then I’m golden for a couple of hours pending sweat.

This next year I may just start planting random lemon grass around my house but being in 5B I’m wondering if that’s even worth the time or effort.

Adding in a link to bug soother just in case yall curious

Gotta get their troops battle experience somehow… let’s see how this plays out.

Man I’m hoping I did my onions right. Some look like they are growing crooked, and leaves are just broken from high winds which make their home look like a mess.

I’m hoping for onions like yours