Depending on the day, shower whiskey is a thing as well.

I’m a supervisor, and I’m totally freaking out on the inside, but I can’t let my guys see that I’m freaking out because then they freak out and that always makes a bad situation much worse. I always tell them, don’t panic until I panic.

Be careful what you wish for. Dutch out male is very opinionated and will definitely let you know when he doesn’t approve of something. Ripley our female only barks when someone’s at the door or during walks when she hears another dog.

I have about 6 that I’ve bought in the last two years. Music in every room when cleaning the house is awesome. They’re worth the 100 bucks.

Our male will carry a nugget around and set it down and look at it, then if you get too close he’ll pick it up and move it, it’s hilarious. The female, I’m not sure she even tastes the nugget going down lol

Home recording…. And I buy a lot of guitars.

My wife had a similar experience, one night I was at work and she texted me and asked if I was playing with the lights at work. I told her I wasn’t and she said she heard Siri answer someone from across the house and the house went dark. I asked if maybe it heard something from the movie she was watching so she rewound it and played it again and nothing happened. Only happened once.

Our red dobie hated chicken. At first we thought she was just a picky eater but then it turned out she was allergic to it according to the vet. We switched to salmon and sweet potatoes, and some fish oil. Within a few days her coat was glossy and she was wolfing down her food.

We switched our Red to Merrick salmon and added some fish oil to her food, made a huge difference in a few days.

I’m thinking it was a case of “ where did you learn to do that ?” Or “ you didn’t do that when we were together “

These are hilarious!!! Might be enough internet for the day….

A girl I went to school with had her head and hands cut off along with her little brother. Killer is still in jail I believe.

These guys are badass!

Kinda give me glassjaw vibes.

Gojira pluggin from neural dsp, this one is my go to most of the time. Also there’s one from ML sound lab that is probably still free, it’s the Roots package.

Will definitely check this out! Thank you