You gotta get both wheels in there. That'll really open it up and make it roomie

They're clearly already out of true

In non-buggy places or in the winter, that's what I do. In buggy places, I bring a tent.

Hard disagree. On an overnight you know the weather, and also have much lower stakes if a weird mechanical catches you by surprise. I bring a much more complete toolkit on a long trip than a short trip. I bring bad weather gear on a long trip, and just don't go, if it looks like bad weather for a short trip.

Oh and food, for an overnight, just bring a burrito and stop for breakfast at a cafe on the way home.

Of course this is all highly dependent on where exactly you're doing all this.

Post your gear list. We'll get you lighter in no time.

Jesus Christ that is bigger, heavier, and more expensive than my full 1p tent. At that point you might as well buy a Tarptent 1p model.

One thing I love about overnighters is you know you'll have good weather. So I often can skip the tent (in non-buggy areas), and just lay down a micro 3/4 length pad and sleeping bag, and call it a night. I can often get away with just a 20-30L daypack so my mountain bike stays light and shreddy.

So funny seeing people deride the protesters for performative action, when walking across a stage is literally a performance. They'll mail you your diploma if you don't walk.

Lol I graduated about 10 years ago, and the only thing I can tell you about my graduation is that I was sweating like crazy under that plastic garbage bag of a robe, wishing it were over. Hell, it woulda been kinda nice if some protesters came in and shut the whole thing down.

The notion that you'll remember your graduation 10 years from now is so depressing. I sure hope you don't.

Pretty sure you're not in the union if you don't pay your dues...

Oh interesting. I assumed they were all on islands. I should probably go boat around a bit more before committing to an island.

How do you all even get onto these islands? They have super steep rock walls, so I don't know how I'd get out of the water.

So far I've only boated around them.

Interesting. That might explain our issue.

I was on my way to my first mountains on this playthrough. Parked in some swamps, so was feeling pretty comfortable. Then all of a sudden a whole fuling village charges out of the swamp at me. Not my best day.

I have raspberry bushes in my base, so I never marked any of those. But red mushrooms come back to bite you between mountains and plains, as they are needed again for wolf skewers. Now my colorblind ass is scouring every meadows in search of those damn things.

Lemmi get this straight. You want to use a tool to tell you which tool to use?

Oh god no. I had to turn that off otherwise storms in the mountains would drop me to 1fps

My team never got Seasons to work, fyi. I think it conflicted with some of the other mods. It was stuck as always winter.

There are just so many damn QOL issues with vanilla. I'm playing modded with my friends, vanilla with my wife (can't figure out how to mod the steamdeck she plays on). Sorting out inventory in chests is just awful. All the time you spend trying to deposit items into the correct places sucks. It is honestly one of the things making my wife not like the game.

Oh and stairs just like... don't work in vanilla?

5L will hardly last you 3 hours in the southern states in summer. Water resupplies can be totally non-existent, given brackish swamp water, and residents who will shoot you for knocking on their door. It wasn't uncommon for me to cover 70 miles of dirt roads without a single water spigot.