Just a student with a part time job to fund hobbies and school. Wondering if I should get new cards as I heard that I was missing out by only having a 1% card back card and looking for cards to get for my future self when I finish school and have a proper job. I heard people were going AMEX or Chase Trifecta but I don't know too much about it. Wondering about PayPal despite the 1.5% catch all downgrade for the 3% on all PayPal as I use it so often along with another card for catch all.

  • Current cards: (list cards, limits, opening date)
    • Prime Visa $8,800 limit, November 2020
    • Discover Student Chrome $1,300 limit, March 2020
  • FICO Score: 756
  • Oldest account age: e.g. 4 years 2 months
  • Chase 5/24 status: 0/24
  • Income: $16,200
  • Average monthly spend and categories:
    • dining $0
    • groceries: $50
    • gas: $70
    • travel: $0
    • other: $250 (subscriptions, hobbies, etc)
  • Open to Business Cards: No
  • What's the purpose of your next card? Building credit, Cashback, Everyday card
  • Do you have any cards you've been looking at? Maybe PayPal Mastercard for my PayPal purchases
  • Are you OK with category spending or do you want a general spending card? General spending mainly but open to options