They are really not that hard though. When I worked at Hyundai I had both those off in about 20-30 minutes with a cutoff wheel and flat head



Depending on the brand. I got a pair of Lincoln welding gloves for $20 at Home Depot and they have held up pretty well

I don’t remember exactly but it’s one of the Marine bases on Oki

There are a lot of hotels in the Mihama and Araha area that are next to some good beaches. Look into American village area as there is a lot to do in that area

God of war. Every time Kratos gets mad at the gods, take a shot

Two friends and I decided to drunkenly sit on sea wall steps about 2 days after a typhoon had passed. This was a game we regularly played during choppy sea conditions where we would compete to see who can sit on the lowest step before one of us gets pulled into the ocean. We were there for about a half hour when one of my friends and I were at the very bottom step and we saw the waves were getting a little bit bigger. Being two male 20 year olds we kept at it. The next thing we know one medium sized wave hits us and we get pushed back up two steps and pulled back down to the bottom step. Before we could regain or handholds and foot holds, we saw the waves pull really far back. Kinda like a tsunami. We looked at each other in fear and tried to run back up the slippery steps when the second wave hit us. This wave was huge. Easily taller than any of us (tallest is 6'1.) The wave pushed us up multiple steps and we slid back down a couple steps. Now my friend got caught in one of the many holes in the sea wall a few steps up. I had no such luck. I slid all the way back down into the ocean to only be thrown back up against the steps 2 more times before I was able to get a foothold to get out of there with my friends help. I was the loser for that day and I wish I could say that we learned a valuable lesson about the ocean, but we didn't

My Japanese American friend said that the games from offbase worked on American PS4s. He said the only the console