This has been my answer. Multiple attacking monsters from multiple sides so each player has their own battle

Saw it as a kid. No child should ever watch that. Honestly, no adult should either

No one asked you to do that, and honestly, no one gave a shit that you did. Bye now

Not to be a dick, but what was the point of that? Most people are fully capable of providing their own context.

unfortunately it seems like they've ghosted the thread after posting.

That's OP isn't real. Russian sock puppet just trying to spread negativity and division. Also, you're conveniently only debating one part of my argument and completely miss the fact that I reference several affordable options for buying a house here

Medicine will never cure your bipolar. It'll only make you better while you're on it. You're not insane, you're just being stupid. So stop being stupid and take your meds.

I run a table and I've never asked anyone their age. If I had to guess, I have a 20 yr old trans man, a 60ish yr old cis guy, a lady in her late 50s, a kid who's probably in 9th grade, a dude in his mid 40s, and a couple in their mid 30s. And honestly it's a challenge for me to come up with shit to throw at them because they work SO WELL together as a group. I can't fathom PC ages being a big deterrent in joining a campaign.

To you maybe...But OP says they have "great income"...$3800 is a small amount to people with great incomes.

So, where's your evidence to refute my statement?

How is that not hate? So, you're both massively insecure and self delusional. How sad

That's a hard no from me dawg. You're absolutely full of shit

I have


I've also been in touch with federal authorities and the investigation is very sensitive

So sensitive/classified that you can't provide evidence, but not too sensitive to talk openly about on social media? How does that work? What's really happening is they're having to spend their time dealing with a crazy person instead of doing their jobs.

you can look up the FBI's files on the German American Bund to get an idea of the sort of massive presence the group had and how many members there were. This was in New York state, near Yaphank.

How does this in any way prove you were there?

Hmmm...I'm having a hard time connecting the dots. Can you please elaborate on how what you just said relates to what I said? My brain's just not working today

have a great income, a credit score over 800, decent savings, and almost zero debt, yet I can't afford to buy a house in Colorado Springs

You're bullshitting about one of those..

The monthly payment on my 2400 sq ft house in BLR is only $3,800..And that's a 475k 4 yr old home with tons of upgrades in an upscale neighborhood. There are plenty of houses in other neighborhoods that go in the mid to high 300s. There are also neighborhoods full of lease land patio style houses that go in the 200s.

If all that you stated above were true, you could buy a house, you've just chosen not to.

If you're a first time homebuyer, you can get with a conventional or FHA loan with only 3% down.

Sure it is. I can teach nearly anyone to play a money beat in just a few minutes. And with that beat they can play 80% of songs on the radio

That's not the same thing as angry all the time, now is it?

Nah, I just don't hate people I've never met based solely on their body type.

People who hate on other people for their weight are themselves MASSIVELY insecure. Who hurt you?

5'9" 160, so wrong again. Man, are you really that fuckin stupid or are you just trollin?