I’m honestly wondering what people here think about this:

I got into a discussion with someone the other day where they said they didn’t see much difference between people doing “blackface” and drag queens. According to them, both are derogatory because they both use stereotypes to portray a population of people in a negative way. When I disagreed and pointed out the historical classification of black people as second class citizens or even less than human, they replied that women have also been portrayed as such historically. I disagree with this but am having a hard time putting my view into words or even coherent thought. Do you think it matters that drag queens are usually historically disenfranchised people (gay) themselves? Do you think it’s simply a matter of degree….blackface being mean spirited and drag being “all in good fun”? Thoughts?

This is assuming drag queens are gay men (I suppose it’s possible some are straight?) and blackface is what people did for entertainment back in the old times…not the obviously hateful thing it would be considered as now.