The mod works once I download it, if I dont and I'm at my outpost it'll kick me to desktop. Again though it works just fine without issues if I download before loading into the game.

Illustrator and writer wanting to expand StarfieldDiscussion

Yesterday I saw a post about the expansion of Starfield lore over using premade assets.

I am an illustrator and writer and would like to team up with modsers who would be interested in creating more original content for Starfield.

I have absolutely no modding or programming knowledge, but what I do have is the ability to help, write and design new content, I would just need help actually putting those ideas into the game.

It would be cool to get a team of people together and work on things. If you're interested, respond or dm. We can set up a discord or something.

Rusty paint for our ships. Just something that makes these ships look weathered and used. That would be absolutely awesome.

Anyone else having Darkstar Astrodynamics keep uninstalling and making you reinstall each time you launch?

I do also love these two mods, they are great.

I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to this sort of thing, so what makes you say this?

If we could get something like the USG Ishamura, oh man.

Avenue Q reference, Holy Shit this made me happy. Have a great day.

The crash that sends you to your desktop?

I had this issue the other say and ended up having to open a ticket. Terrified to download anymore creations now because I dont want to go through that again.

Dont know if it is possible, but can I logon through the Bethesda creation club site and remove things?

Thank you again, I'll try that once it re-downloads. I would have tried the load order, the issue was that I would start the game, it would load then boot me back to desktop without actually loading game, so I was getting into it at all. Luckily though, I only installed the mandalorian and a star wars mod, the rest were compatible.

If I have to go back from before mods, damn but thats better than not playing I suppose. I'll try to update when I try the suggested fixes.

Doing this, if I dont re-download any mods, will it corrupt my save or should those be fine?

Crashing to desktopDiscussion

Downloaded mandalorian mod from creation club and now I crash to desktop upon loading the game.

How do I remove the mod if I cannot get into the game?

Sorry I'm new to all of this, thank you in advance.

Same thing I'm doing now, professional illustrator and Alternative school teacher.

There is a year zero parody, called Hail Santa or something like that. Pretty funny

Well I personally believe Tom Holland will make an excellent Juliet.

I'm that student, I was told throughout school that focusing on art would take me nowhere and that I should focus on real goals. "Art is just a fad'', is what ai was told by my high school teachers/counselor. Well I've sold artwork in galleries, museum's and stores. I've worked my ass off to prove them wrong and I have. Every gallery show I've had or museum showing, I've sent them invites. They have yet to come.

I made one of these with a stencil and paint. The pope is the full length of the shirt. Fucking love it.

I want a bust of me to be made from marble, clay or 3d print. (Only chest and neck, no head)

Then my body, minus my head sent off, cremated and turned into gemstones.

My head i want cleaned of all the gooey yucks, and set atop the bust, and the gemstones placed inside the eye sockets of my skull.

That would then be entered into the last gallery i applied to or sat on a shelf or something in my home.