I'm happy. I know dogs, everywhere, are happy, and, of course, veterans who suffer from PTSD!

So in my view, it's a good thing! Also, hopefully less people getting their finger(s) blown off and less fires!


It takes a bit of work. I know because I've had to swallow my pride lots of times. BUT, I'd rather remain humble and unaffected vs doing something I will regret. ALL the best to you and yours:)

Okay, so instead of seeing yourself as a mouse or a doormat, take back your control and remind yourself that you can't change assholes, but you CAN choose how to react. And, it's better (especially since you have a child) to just let most things go to avoid dangerous and useless confrontations. THAT is YOUR choice so you are not a doormat or a mouse:)

I know it's very hard to do, but in these situations, I would just try my best to ignore. Keep reminding yourself that a LOT of people just don't have any consideration OR are very unaware of their behavior. AND, with all of the stories we read/hear about, there are a LOT of crazy people out there who might act violently. You just never know.

As you said, she was probably in a big rush. You might make up a story and tell yourself that maybe she has to get home to her children or someone she is caring for.

But, if your coworkers are behaving like that, then you might want to speak up. BUT, in a way that is nice but also assertive. Let's say you were using the copy machine or the microwave, and YOU are in a rush, but someone comes along and wants to cut in. Just smile and say "I'd LOVE to let you go first, but I have a deadline I have to meet. Sorry!"

Because I "live" in my home and not my car.

My car is more of a "tool" to get me to the places I need to go. I remember when I was 17, my friend borrowed her boyfriends corvette. It was a gorgeous sports car. BUT, after we were driving a bit, I realized it was NO big deal. Not for me, anyway.

🤗 That adorable face. He looks so proud of his work!

I could watch that eagle for hours. What a stunning and HIGHLY skilled bird!🥰

This should have a LOT more views!

I'll admit this IS satisfying, but also torture knowing in a few minutes, unless you live alone, someone will come along and mess it up again;) Should have gotten an area rug without the fringe😋

Ahh! No, actually that must be the snake's open mouth!

I know, the babies (and adults, too) are just too cute!

P.S. I think you'll enjoy this video:) https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1dudev9/she_wants_to_show_her_babies/ 

😂I don't remember seeing many men wearing speedos in the 70s or even the 80s. Maybe one man.

But, click here for the reason: Why men in America stopped wearing Speedos at beaches. 

I think this is one of those important things in life. But, will you please explain in 20 words or less, why you're trying to decide whether or not to end the friendship:D

I absolutely LOVE squirrels, among other animals.

My favorite is when they know someone (or another animal) is getting too close, and they get REAL still thinking they are hiding, but you can see their tail! I find that so darn endearing!!😋

There's was a great nature special about squirrels (I can't for the life of me remember the name!!) but when they know they are being watched by another squirrel, they actually fake out that squirrel by pretending to be burying nuts!😂

One would think that being closer to the beach, it would be or feel cooler, but I guess not. Yeah, MUCH too hot:(

Yes, they do! I've seen a couple of accidents (on the news) where the car rolled after hitting a gator:(

Yikes!! I tried to zoom in but my laptop isn't cooperating.

What's that white thing leaning against the snake??

Do you feel like life went by fast? Heck, yes, it went and is going by EXTREMELY fast!

Or do you feel it’s been a long journey? When going through life's struggles and challenges, it always feels like a long journey. BUT once you get over those humps, it's just a memory, unless you remain a prisoner of your thoughts. Don't. Just move on to the next interesting part of your journey. :)

Though we are ALL humans, with similar needs and wants, we are also vastly different depending on our personality. I'm sure a LOT of people do not feel regret, but I know I did and would have...So, please follow your "heart", on THIS.

Not to get too personal, but my mom died when I was very young and I never got to see her or talk to her beforehand. She was mentally ill ( I guess I am getting personal;) so any emotional or verbal abuse was due to her illness. And, I regret that I didn't get to share some things with her, and it took me a couple of decades to get over her death.

My dad, who died almost two years ago, was not very "fatherly". I will leave it at. And, there were other issues. BUT, when he became too frail (heart issues, etc...) to care for himself, I made the decision to relocate to help him. I will NEVER regret that decision. Yes, there were and are things I am still mad about, but I decided that those things are my past. AND, my love for him was stronger than any anger and disappoint that I felt. AND, I KNEW in my heart and mind, that IF he had died and I chose to not help him, I could never live with myself.

But, you have to be you!

Okay, I will keep that in mind;)

My heart breaks for her and other loved ones, too!

I just hope they stay off of the internet!! (Silly thing to write, I know, but I'm sure there are younger family members and friends, and well, you know the things people comment about:(

Once again, my point is that people will drive their cars even WHEN it is NOT necessary.

What's truly sad is that with YOUR thinking, you will never know true happiness or have peace of mind. Very sad in my view!

I'll never tell😋

P.S. Just curious how large of a mass it would spread on....

Yes, a broken heart can really do that! Once again, I'm sorry that (and how) you lost both your mother and grandmother.

And, I'm NOT trying to be "preachy" but why it's so important to be as kind (as possible) and share our feelings with our loved ones and friends. Of course, I don't mean 24/7, but some people, no matter their age, never tell their children or parents or significant others or friends: I love you. Or, you mean the world to me:). Or, I'm sorry I said/did that.

Regret is a terrible thing to bear, I know.....