I always think that IQ is more important when looking at how low it is. In the is the IQ so low that this person has cognitive difficulties and we need to be careful how we explain things to them way. This is after a proper test done by a psychologist mind you, where it looks at lots of different aspects and the IQ is the total/average of those individual sections, not one of those reading only tests done online.

That said I once had a lady with an IQ of 61 and I still believe that was wrong. She had difficulties certainly but not IQ of 61 difficulties. That's really low. Also her individual scores were all mid -high 60s and early 70s so how the maths worked out to give her an IQ of 61, I will never know and the psychologist refused to tell us in a way we would understand.

Once it gets above average however, I don't personally put much store in IQ. At a certain point intelligence is about what you are doing rather than the capacity to do things. You need to be learning and retaining that knowledge and able to act on that knowledge. If you have an IQ of 180 or something and sit at home all day playing video games or whatever then I don't think you can be classed as a genius.

See I think you should have some courtesy for the people in the house and either use the dining table within waking hours or study in a place that won't impact the other members of the house. Like her room. If Nicole was working in her own room I would agree with you entirely but she's working at the kitchen table. It's her choice to stay out all day with friends. It's not Ava's choice to be in bed at the usual time so that she can go to work in the morning.

Asshole Aficionado [11]

I would agree. Bride doesn't have the right to complain when her sister can't go though.

Mamma Mia 2 is better than it has any right to be

It's never bothered me before but you aren't wrong.

Asshole Aficionado [11]

NTA ish forewarned is forearmed but I wouldn't have let him buy the bracelet, in the first place once you knew the purpose of doing so. I would have told him firmly, that he is not asking her out when he is in middle school or at any time because she she is a grown up and he is a child and that relationship is a crime. You aren't going to let him put your employee in an awkward position and frankly you shouldn't have done. That might have made you the bad guy but sometimes that is a parent's lot in life.

I think Lily James does look a bit like Amanda Seyfried though and that's what you need when you are hiding Meryl by having her be dead. I think that's why they killed her character off. That and because if you had Meryl Streep and Cher together no one would believe they are mother and daughter.

I don't think it's a rich people problem. They are just the ones you find out about because nobody cares about Joe Bloggs from Norfolk molesting his children, if anybody ever finds out because they aren't looking.

I hate to say it but Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia. Donna is supposed to 39. It's a plot point. Sophie is 20 and Donna had her at 19. Meryl Streep was most definitely not 39 when they made the film and Cher could not be her Mother. Certainly not the way Cher played the Granny in the sequel.

Glamour? The dichotomy of seeing a big bloke in a dress and make up? I can't say I find drag queens especially entertaining either but that's just me.

Yes, unless there is something wrong with the 30 year old, they and the 19 year old will be at completely different stages of life, have different maturity levels and almost nothing in common.

When I was about 25, I went out with someone in their first year of university (they had come to uni late and were about 23, I wasn't a cradle snatcher) and I sometimes used to hang out in their student accommodation. Lordy, every time I went round that song from Gigi would play in my head. "I'm so glad, I'm not young anymore." Lovely people by the way just young and loud.

That was when I was just starting in my career. At 30 you are a lot more established and so the gap would be even bigger.

Have you ever heard the saying, "if a 30 year old is dating a 19 year old it's not because SHE'S mature".

I know some people have done that because they believe that God would be happy with them.

There is also a thing called Drag Kings although why anybody would want to watch that is beyond me. Maybe they're funny.

Asshole Aficionado [11]

NTA I'm not sure that your niece likes you very much, so you are probably doing her a favour by not going. I'm not saying you are a bad person but there are lots of things that irritate teenagers.

I think it's perfectly reasonable not to go away with your ex. I also think it's perfectly reasonable to expect your family to limit contact with your ex and for your sister to refuse to invite him even if your niece requested it because your sister is the grown up.

That said while your niece was quite rude, Steve has been her "uncle" since she was 8 and she's probably very fond of him. It's not perfectly reasonable to expect her to cut him off completely if he hasn't done the same to her.

Yeah my first pill really screwed me up mentally. The second one eventually gave me a migraine (which is a bad sign apparently). I support some form of medical oversight for the pill.

No, I don't but I've realised that I don't really like cartoons as an art form. I used to watch them as a child but that's more because that's what was available to me. That said a good story is a a good story regardless of the medium.

I agree that cooking classes should be mandatory so that everyone understands basic cooking terms and kitchen hygiene but I don't think they assist in eating healthily apart from making it more likely that people will cook rather than have regular takeaways or ready meals. I did cookery from 9-14 and I don't remember any of the recipes.

10 years or children.

Not necessarily when the pregnancy is early on in the relationship but if the relationship is already fairly committed then children cement it.

Being an only child is awesome. I don't think I ever envied my classmates with siblings. I would have liked a playmate on holidays and trips to relatives but otherwise one is the best number.

I maintain that if the McCanns had been poor instead of Doctors those twins would have been removed from them when they got to the UK.

I've seen somebody get in trouble with social services when they went out and left the next door neighbour with the baby camera. You were golf cart ride away. So the other thing in the what if... category, is what if social services or the police found out because I guarantee you they would not be happy.

There could be a lot of reasons. It might be the age gap. It's not a weird one by any means but a young 25 and a mature 31 can be quite different. He might not want to mix work and his personal life (very sensible). He might not find you attractive. He might be shy. He might be gay. He might be asexual.

Only way to find out is to ask him out yourself although I wouldn't necessarily advise that because dating a co-worker is not the best idea and it could get very awkward.

Yes, I always feel a bit odd when people say they don't want to get married because their parents divorce was horrible. Well yes, marriage can make ending a relationship more difficult but if you have children and/or own property together then ending that relationship is going to be a huge pain regardless except they don't have the protections and advantages that marriage brings.

Pleased your fellow saw sense.